Return To Na Pali
Return To Na Pali: Ultimate Edition v1.1 HD Has been Released!

After much hard work, Return to Na Pali: Ultimate Edition v1.1 HD has been released! For anyone not up to speed, this is a polished conversion of RTNP for Unreal Tournament '99, complete with 10 new levels restored from beta content originally cut from Unreal. Version 1.1 HD now contains high-resolution custom/beta skins, as well as a few extra surprises! This is meant to be used alongside the recently released High-Res Skins mod.
Here is an overview of features:
- RTNP conversion to UT99, without the pesky bugs that have come with previous RTNP conversions.
- Bug fixes, texture alignments, game play enhancements, and more for the original 17 RTNP levels
- 10 new levels, completely restored from cut Beta content of Unreal. This content has been modified to fit right in with RTNP, including proper transitions between levels. The content has also been enhanced with better lighting, game play, sounds, new stories and more. All of it feels right at home!
- Restored music from the beta releases, which are used in the new maps and even some of the old maps.

The Return to Na Pali add-on to Unreal features seventeen new single-player missions. Three new weapons are included: the combat assault rifle (a powerful machine gun), as well as dedicated rocket and grenade launchers. S-Cosmos专辑《Return To Na Pali》,更多S-Cosmos相关专辑下载、在线试听,尽在网易云音乐. Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! This site uses an ad delivery service provided by Wikia, Inc. Fandom and its partners use technology such as cookies on this site to provide services, analyze user activity, and engage in advertising activity. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of these technologies.
What exactly is new with Version 1.1 HD?
Not long ago, a High-Res Skins mod was released that replaced all the low-res skins of Unreal & RTNP with high-resolution, detailed versions. However, this mod lacked any HD skin replacements for the new custom skins or beta skins unique to the Ultimate Edition of RTNP. Version 1.1 remedies that!
Thanks to the extremely generous Noveria, part 1 of a video walkthrough now exists! For anyone not familiar with her video walkthroughs, you definitely need to check out her YouTube channel.
The original Return to Na Pali Ultimate Edition started out as a basic idea to not only get RTNP working properly in UT99, but also to implement the cut Unreal beta levels. What started out as a simple project turned in to a complete overhaul of not only the beta content, but the official RTNP maps. Version1 was released in 2011, and received good feedback. Fast forward to this year, and the high-res skins project, UnrealHD, was released. However, RTNP:UE was suddenly starting to look a bit dated with the low-res beta/custom skins mixed with the high-res skins. As such, I promptly decided to give the custom skins a complete makeover as well.
Along with the changes listed above, v1.1 also has these features:
- 50 new high-resolution skins to replace the old low-res beta skins and custom skins of RTNP:UE.
- Never-before seen beta skins have been introduced in this release, as well as a few new custom skins (all in high-res)
- A few new stories have been added.
- Some very minor game play tweaks and bug fixes, including quieter footstep sounds.
Playing Information:
Please read ALL the installation/configuration instructions in the readme file, or in the description of the Moddb page. Also, do NOT forget to download the high-res skins for Unreal, which is meant to be used alongside this release! The mod will run without them, but is rather pointless with only some of the skins replaces in HD...
This project was conceived by, managed by, and mostly done by me (Lightning Hunter), and the new high-res skins were done by me. However, there are a lot of other people to credit! Please read the include readme file or the description on the main page for all who contributed and helped with this project.
NOTE: Please read the included text document or description on detailed installation instructions!
I don't want questions asked of me that are already answered in there.
It's funny to think that Unreal was once state-of-the-art, kick-in-the-teeth, rob-your-granny brilliant. Some were not sold on its charms, even though it brought vibrant colours and procedural particle effects to a previously brown genre. Most people gave it a play, however, enjoyed it and moved on.
So it comes as some surprise that a staggering length of time after Unreal was released, we have the first mission pack, Return To Na Pali, in which you quite literally return to Na Pali, only a day after escaping from the freaking planet in the last game.This time around, you get press-ganged into rescuing a datacore from a downed spaceship, the Prometheus, which has crash-landed somewhere deep in Skaarj territory.
Thankfully, your allies have dropped weapons and health canisters all over the planet, so at least there's some motivation for blowing up boxes and exploring every corner of every Skaarj fortress, Nali town and underwater labyrinth you come across. There are 38 new levels and - we're afraid to say - you must trundle through each, one by one, in a very old-fashioned, linear way.
Return To Na Pali Ums Prometheus
The venerable old Unreal engine is also looking its age. In the first section of the game, we are expected to believe that yonder textured box is a hill, and that a brown pipe with a couple of polygons on top is a tree. The recently released Unreal Tournament massively increases the details of Unreal models and textures, as well as beefing up the weapons and sounds. It is sorely missed here. The monsters look dire and their attempts at AI - rolling from side to side - are laughable. Most of the weapons are barely better than potato-guns, while the linear, level-by-level style of game play is far too monotonous for anyone who's clambered their way out of a Black Mesa facility.
Having said that, there's a dollop of real drama when you finally make it to the Prometheus and have a tense stalking match around the only convincing locale this engine can render - the corridors of a spaceship. If you liked Unreal and are desperate for another fix, this may suit you. Otherwise, it's too little, too late.