Steel Faith Overhaul 2 Review
For this map I have provided the SC4Mapper file, the grayscale and two configs: one uses the default grid of large city tiles from SimCity 4 Mapper and the other is a custom config I created to match the urban centers of the municipalities with large city tiles. Simcity 4 map download.

Reading the reviews here I was initially quite hesitant to take the plunge. I've heard the motors can go out, it doesn't toast evenly, and it won't even fit two slices of bread. What a travesty!
Well, I've had this now for over two years and it still works just as well as the day I bought it. The motor still runs perfectly after near daily use.
I guess if you're looking for a toaster like this you're either looking for an aesthetic value or an economical footprint. My concern was more for the latter but I also liked the way this looked. I guess I was willing to try my luck with the hand of the toaster gods and take a leap of faith that it would accept my duo-toasting needs.
I'm happy to report this unit happily chomps up any two 'standard' slices of bread I feed it. I say 'standard' because it seems what used to be the norm (i.e. that bread that left you wondrous) has given way to some rather gluttonous leafy characters. Sure they may be satisfying when your in need of superior satiation but this is not what I think of when I think of 'a slice of bread'. This is like trying to take a foot-long hot-dog and make it onto a standard sized bun. I guess if you're primary bread habits consist of more 'modern' cuts then you may want to stray from this.
Not only are we fraught with binary toasting bliss but those suckers come out nice and even. Okay, so complaint number two I have to squelch: uneven toasting. First of all, what are you comparing it to? I've had numerous lower priced toasters that do an okay job of toasting. If you're comparing this to that I'll plan that fifth peg on your Battleship and blow it right out of the water.
I submit that if every piece of bread you cut is absolutely perfect and even, you'll come out with a toast quality worthy of royalty. Unless you're Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich is baking your bread products I doubt you'll ever attain that sort of perfection. For any mortal slice of glutinous, or even non glutinous, starchy food product I've never been more satisfied with the crisp to area ratio.
This is a solid, handsome looking toaster that can handle a couple pieces of average-sized bread products, bagel-sized too. It's slim, compact, cleans up nice, and affords plenty of room for your other appliances, or a prep space. I thought about giving it 4/5 stars for the space situation, but you know what? I didn't expect this to fit that. I'm reviewing the product on the merits of what's being advertised and to that end, this lives up to the hype.

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Steel Faith Overhaul 2 Review Video
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