Significance Of The Study Example

Health/Medication and Drugs/Illegal Drugs/Addictions/Research Papers/Drug Addiction

The significance of the study of drug abuse is that it helps invarious aspects. The study will help people understand the problemand also suggest some possible remedial actions that can betaken.

What has the author David Nurco written?

David Nurco has written: 'Drug abuse study, 1969' -- subject(s): Drug abuse 'Drug addiction and crime'

What has the author Patti J Kingston written?

However, the quantitative significance of a study is an entirely different concept, and is a technical term in the paradigm of statistics that may be used when describing the results of social surveys for example. In statistics, the term 'significance' refers to how. The qualitative significance of a study is as above in readerofbooks' reply.

Patti J. Kingston has written: 'A study of drug abuse in Rochester and Monroe County' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drugs, Law and legislation

What has the author Reyes Ramos written?

Reyes Ramos has written: 'An ethnographic comparison of the Mexican American drug culture in El Paso, Texas, 1987 to 1997' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug use, Mexican Americans 'An ethnographic study of heroin abuse by Mexican Americans in San Antonio, Texas' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug use, Heroin abuse, Mexican Americans, Treatment

What has the author Dave Macdonald written?

Dave Macdonald has written: 'A handbook of drug training' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug addicts, Education, Health education, Rehabilitation, Social Work, Study and teaching, Substance abuse, Voluntary Workers

Why is drug abuse dangerous?

What are the physical effects of Drug-abuse?

i think the answer is the drug is a physical drug.

Define drug use and drug abuse?

For me the difference is drug use You can control it Drug abuse is the drug controls you

What is eridicating drug abuse?

What has the author Glenn A Levant written?

Glenn A. Levant has written: 'Keeping kids drug free' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Study and teaching, Teenagers, Prevention, Drug use

What is the same about drug abuse drug addiction and drug dependence?

drug abuse could lead to drug addiction and dependence

What is significance of the study?

Significance of the study gives informations on how beneficial your study is.

What has the author Lowell Horton written?

Lowell Horton has written: 'Developing effective drug education programs' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug use, Prevention, Students, Study and teaching

Which agencies fight drug abuse?

There are various worldwide agencies that fight drug abuse. In the United States there is the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

What has the author Eric Single written?

Eric Single has written: 'Horizons 1994' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug addiction, Tobacco use 'Canadian profile' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug abuse and crime, Economic aspects of Drug abuse, Statistics, Substance abuse

What are examples of drug abuse?

taking drugs for fun is a drug abuse taking drugs on your own without any appropriate advise is a drug abuse taking more drugs than advised by a doctor is a drug abuse

Is Drug use life abuse?

Significance Of The Study Example

What type of therapy is drug abuse treated with?

What has the author Mary Beth Morton written?

Mary Beth Morton has written: 'Growing up drug-free' -- subject(s): Study and teaching (Secondary), Drug abuse

Definition of significance of the study?

Significance of the study- the need for for the study and its possible application and utilization.

What has the author John Mongeon written?

John Mongeon has written: 'Prevention' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Study and teaching, Prevention

What has the author Teija Heikkinen written?

Teija Heikkinen has written: 'Koulujen huumeopetus' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Study and teaching

What is the significance of the study of cigarette smoking?

what is the main significance of the study on smoking?

What is the significance of the study of philosophy of man?

What has the author Sherri Resin Torjman written?

Sherri Resin Torjman has written: 'A training program on prevention in the drug field' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Study and teaching, Prevention

What has the author Don Edward Hunter written?

Don Edward Hunter has written: 'A determination of behavioral objectives on drug abuse education for an introductory college health course' -- subject(s): Curricula, Drug abuse, Health education (Higher), Study and teaching (Higher)

When was National Institute on Drug Abuse created?

National Institute on Drug Abuse was created in 1974.

When was Drug Abuse Resistance Education created?

Drug Abuse Resistance Education was created in 1983.

What drug do people like to abuse?

Alchol is the main drug that people abuse in the united states

What is the percent of drug abuse in middle school?

The percent of drug abuse in middle school is 52%.

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Among caffeine pethidine amphetamine Oxycontin morphine which drug is not a drug of abuse?

Significance Of The Study Example About Physical Education

Technically caffeine, but ANY drug can be a drug of abuse if you work at it hard enough.

What has the author Dana E Hunt written?

Dana E. Hunt has written: 'Pulse check' -- subject(s): Cocaine abuse, Control of Narcotics, Drug abuse, Drug abuse surveys, Drug addiction, Heroin abuse, Narcotics, Control of, Social aspects, Social aspects of Drug abuse, Statistics, Treatment

What has the author Debrah Ann Roth Shulman written?

Debrah Ann Roth Shulman has written: 'The peoples guide to drug education' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug use, Prevention, Study and teaching (Secondary), Youth

What has the author Harry Avis written?


Harry Avis has written: 'Drugs & life' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug control, Drugs, Lifestyles, Prevention & control, Study and teaching, Substance abuse, Therapy, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Substance-Related Disorders, Life Style

When does drug abuse occur?

Definition of the significance of the study?

Significance of the study

The definition of the significance of the study is simply the importance of the study. This looks at the goals and objective that a study aims to achieve.

What has the author Sue Mahan written?

Sue Mahan has written: 'Crack cocaine, crime, and women' -- subject(s): Drug abuse and crime, Drug abuse in pregnancy, Drug use, Crack (Drug), Women, Cocaine abuse

Was Elvis Presley gone through drug abuse?

What is a recommendation for drug abuse?

A recommendation for drug abuse? .. how about don't do drugs. You'll get aids, get pregnant, and then die.

What is the largest group of drug abuse?

If you mean age group then the highest group of drug abuse is teenagers.

What office was created to combat drug abuse?

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was created in 1988 to combat drug abuse.

What is Significance of study of political science for law?

Significance of study of political science as a law

Is alcoholism the largest area of drug abuse?

Alcoholism is an incredibly large part of drug abuse, yes, but right now in the United States opioid abuse has surpassed all other drug addictions. Alcohol IS a drug, glad you pointed that out!

What has the author Douglas A Wright written?

Douglas A. Wright has written: 'State estimates of substance use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug abuse surveys, States, Statistics, Substance abuse

Possible answer in the eradicating drug abuse?

The possible answer in the eradication of drug abuse is information dissemination. If students, parents, young and old professionals are aware of its effects to oneself and society, therefore drug abuse will be eradicated.

Scope and limitation of drug abuse?

Sadly, the only real limitation to drug abuse is the death of the abuser. Drug abuse affects many of the body's systems, including respiration, cardiac, and brain function.

What is the meaning of drug abuse?

Drug Abuse is the overuse or incorrect way of having the responsibility of any type of medication that can soon turn into 'Drug Addiction.'

Is drinking alcohol a drug abuse?

Alcohol is a drug, and drinking alcoholic beverages in excess is a form of substance abuse.

Significance Of The Study Example For Future Researchers

Why there s drug abuse?

People like to get high. Each drug of abuse corresponds with neurorecepter sites in the brain.

What is the difference between drug use and drug abuse?

Significance Of The Study Example For Research Proposal

Drug use is when you use a drug to treat certain symptoms, like back pain, or anxiety. Drug abuse is when you use a drug for the purpose of becoming intoxicated, or high.

What is drug abuse and drug addiction?

Drug abuse is when drug taking affects your daily life such as school or work. Drug addiction is when you physically and mentally crave your drug of choice. The two often go together, but not always.