Mass Effect 3 Geth Dreadnought

If you get a generic Geth you probably started from a save where Legion didn't survive the suicide mission or where you never activated him. So this Geth is intended to be an important character, but only if Legion, the geth that joined you in Mass Effect 2 survived. In your case you got the generic replacement geth.

Posted by1 month ago

A little bit of background,

Im running a d20 roleplaying game where Star Wars, Halo, and Mass Effect are colliding (My players wanted chaos and the freedom to play whatever they wanted)

But whereas Halo and Star Wars ships are well documented on feats I can't seem to find how strong Dreadnaughts are and could use a little bit of help.

Mass effect 3 geth decision

Gta san andreas weapons locations. If someone could tell me how many Dreadnaughts would be needed to take down one Covenant CAS Assault Cruiser that would be a wonderful point for me to base strength off of.


About this mod

The Expanded Galaxy Mod adds a huge number of changes, both large and small, to improve the overall gameplay of Mass Effect 3, giving the user a more personalized experience.


Mods requiring this file

Mod nameNotes
Alliance Armor Pack DLC
Alliance Warpack
Ark Modv1.1 or higher
EGM Squadmate Pack
Miranda Mod
Omega Hub (Alpha)v1.1 or higher
Omega HUB - Spanish1.1 o Mayor
Spectre Expansion ModNeed latest edition
Tali Romance MOD - SpanishPara la versiĆ³n EGM
Permissions and credits

Author's instructions

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough

None of the assets contained within this mod maybe used for any purpose without express permission from the author.

File credits

Mass Effect 3 Geth Dreadnought

The EGM Team:
Lead Designer, Original Script and Programming: Kinkojiro
Writing, Testing and Concepts: Rusm0
Writing and Editing: lmorri8165
Lead Artist: Mellin
Lead Video Artist: Orikon
Additional Design: Realsurvivor, IceWaterKraken
Content Contributors:
Deager - Vocal compositions
Femshep - Technical and Controller Compatibility
Giftfish - Thanemod content
Special Thanks to: Bluephoenix73, Deadspear, Cheeseycom, Forgetti, Ledbetterman, Valmar and all the players and supporters of EGM.
Euderion -
MandyAlenko -
nach77 -
Reis1989 -
Additional Artwork:
EvilPowny -
fishbone76 -
grummel83 -
The JoeBlack -
Just-Jasper -
milanioom -
All credits to WarrantyVoider, KFreon, Sir Cxyrtyx, The Fob, Tankmaster, JohnP, Giftfish, Deager, Eric JS, Ottemis, Amarok86, Saltisgood, Femshep and all those who contributed to the toolkit and knowledgebase. Any faults are mine.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Mass Effect 3 Save Geth Dreadnought

  • Russian

Translations available on the Nexus

RussianEGM Expanded Galaxy Mod - Russian translation
  • Version 1.16

    • Normandy Security Scanner: Change the scanner to your preference. Default is fast walk-through. No graphical glitches.
  • Version 1.15

    • Fixes a bug introduced in 1.14 that stops Wrex loading properly in the Citadel DLC missions.
  • Version 1.14

    • Another (hopefully the last) Mars bug fixed. Thanks to Tsukko for their help.
  • Version 1.13

    • Another bug fixed for loading Mars mission.
    • Fix for David Archer being sometimes loaded on the Normandy even if he wasn't saved.
  • Version 1.12

    • Another (hopefully final) fix for the Mars loading bug
    • Improved compatibility with Omega Hub (v0.6)
  • Version 1.11

    • Fix bug loading into Mars during the prologue (many thanks to OLORIN86 and aruna87)
  • Version 1.10

    • New Medal Case (Achievements) accessible from the Cabin.
      Compatibility with new add-ons
      Add tutorial for EGM armors on first launch at Mars
  • Version 1.094

    • Galaxy map shows different description of Thessia depending on whether invaded.
  • Version 1.093

    • Armor can now be selected before starting the mission Priority: Mars
      Small galaxy map edits to improve performance in the fleets system
      Fix bug with Beta War Assets System not setting the correct target level
      Custom Extra: Compatibility patch for Tali Remastered v1.01 is now included.
  • Version 1.092

    • Beta war asset system can now be selected in the installer or via Mod Manager's menu.
      very minor text fixes
  • Version 1.091

    • Fixed loading issue with Cerberus Lab
      Minor bug in DLC patch
  • Version 1.090

    • BETA of WarAsset system revised. Functionality updated so:
      - Effect of MP Galactic Readiness is removed (100% always)
      - GUI Target shows actual target for war asset campaign to achieve best outcome
      - All War Asset Targets are doubled by default and difficulty can be manually set
      Other minor fixes:
      - Bug with Garrus in party casuals
      - Fixed bug with Omega 4 relay that could cause the Enter button not to appear
      - The Shadow N7 kit logo is fixed in the main file
      - Fix to MEHEM mails appearing even if MEHEM is uninstalled
      - Fix to range weapon bench
      - Gladius Weapon icons improved
  • Version 1.086

    • Fixes issue with Samara's mission final cutscene
      Blood Dragon armor can be found during Priority: Eden Prime
      Fixes minor armor LOD issues
      Fixes for a number of minor bugs
  • Version 1.085

    • Squad can toggle helmets using H key.
      Fixes for a number of problems including deck 3 crashes, Wrex AI, bar chair, barman's face.
  • Version 1.083

    • Fixes bug in the medbay where Eve would disappear.
  • Version 1.082

    • Fix for bug where weapon mods didn't show in the range/table on deck 5.
      Fix for Omega 4 relay appearing in multiple places once orbited.
  • Version 1.08

    • Portarms (toggle between weapon lowered and raised) press p (or left thumb stick click on controller).
      Spacebar also fires scan in galaxy map.
      New Sonax industries war asset when you listen to Liara offer pardon.
      Improvements to lighting of certain NPC bodyguards.
      Compatibility with Miranda Mod add-on.
      Additional Codex entries from ME1/2.
      Pickup armor during Cerberus Labs mission.
      Minor bugs and text fixes.
  • Version 1.07

  • Version 1.06

    • Minor bug fixes
      Unlocked maps pack : - Adds new armors for Kasumi, Zaeed, Grunt (x2), Samara, Jacob and Jack.
  • Version 1.05

    • Full native compatibility with all versions of Citadel Epilogue Mod (v1.4).
      Custom extra available adds a conversation between Liara and Shepard post coup (if the Virmire survivor lives). English only.
  • Version 1.04

    • Fixes bug with Mordin becoming invisible in the medbay.
      Fury mesh jaw-piece fixed.
      Fixes bugs with Mako pickup and Mechdog purchase.
  • Version 1.03

    • Adds Mercenary and Duelist armors for broshep
      Fixes bug that could cause the backup (vanilla map) to be loaded
      Number of minor text fixes
      Other fixes
  • Version 1.02

    • Bug fixes: Kasumi not working with Noveria
      Jacob showing cerberus logo on GUI
      Steve Cortez not appearing after exiting the cabin
      Garrus casual outfit - seperate file
      Kaidan - Leviathan ambients, invite text
      Camala being highlighted after the mission has ended.
  • Version 1.01

  • Version 1.0

    • Additional Squadmates
      Gladius rifle
      HR Armors, new headsets
      Complete re-write of text
      Cabin invites
      + many many other things
  • Version 0.9.17

    • Improve MP resource handling to work better with SP controller mod.
  • Version 0.9.16

    • Fix for a minor bug in the installer (mod content unchanged).
  • Version 0.9.15

    • Fixed bug with broshep armor model hands.
      Fixed bug that prevented maximum bonuses during the Evacuation of Thessia.
  • Version 0.9.14

    • Fixed bug with broshep armor model hands.
      Fixed bug that prevented maximum bonuses during the Evacuation of Thessia.
      Fixed bug that stopped Javik's translator GAW from firing.
      Fixed issue that prevented bonuses showing in Armor locker.
      Fixed bug that sometimes prevented Geth Primes visiting post Legion - Geth Consensus.
  • Version 0.9.13

    • Bug fix that prevented Shadow Broker wet team from appearing in the Cargo deck post rescue.
      Fix Assignment: Criminals versus Veterans. Now will not fire if Omega DLC is started before 2 missions after meeting Aria on the Citadel.
  • Version 0.9.12

    • Bug fixes with Priority Eden Prime setting and Citadel Epilogue Mod
  • Version 0.9.11

    • Fix issue with N7 missions when using custom settings
      Fix issue with Asari councillor plus minor map bug fixes.
  • Version 0.9.1

    • - XBox Controller Mod compatibility via patch (thanks to Femshep & brummyuk)
      - N7 Helmets & separate bodies, Fury Mask/Hood/Sentry option.
      - Alliance Armor pack compatibility. (requires seperate add on dlc)
      - N7 Mission timings can be set.
      - Prothean Cybernetic Implants - bonuses to include 2x shot capacity.
      - Small improvements to certain textures.
      - Many bug fixes (Alpha -> Beta)
  • Version 0.9.0

    • Customiseable Normandy: Vehicles, Javelin Missile Battery, Firing Range & Equipment GUI
      Crew: Medics, Marines, Engineers, Chef/Barman & Personnel GUI.
      Visitors: Samara, Grunt + Aralakh, Primes, Shadow Broker Wet Team, Geth Fighter.
      Stores: Dealer, Alliance Logistics Hub
      Map: Ilos, Voyager Cluster, new Relay video, Virmire memorial cinematic, Tartarus improvements.
      Arms: Add N7 Armors, other armors, armor seperation, Revision to fix completely Collector Weapons.
      Misc fixes: Bolto, Cargo deck signs, Cargo deck 'black hole', Port bar shutters, Shadow Broker screens
      Text edits: lots & lots of revisions.
      Mod Settings / Timings module.
  • Version 0.5.3

    • Bug Fixes including:
      - Prothean Avatar not firing properly
      - Occasional texture errors with powers (black boxes)
      - Veterans v Criminals assignment now is eliminated from the journal if failed
      - Traynor will inform you if Elysium has fallen before Grissom Academy falls
      - minor coding fixes
      - minor text improvements
    • MapOnly version
      Fixed error which meant couldn't land at Citadel Dock 42
      Fixed some clusters not showing prior to Mars
  • Version 0.5.2

    • MapOnly v0.5.2
      Upgrades MapOnly version to the latest copy of the map, including new systems Tartarus and Sentry Omega. Overwrites previous version automatically.
    • Full Version v0.5.2
      Lots of minor fixes, text and artwork improvements.
      Prothean Sphere added to the Cabin, available during a mission, along with details about what happened to one of your former crew. (also available at a certain extranet store if missed during mission, dependent on recovery in ME2).
      Holo-emitter added to the CIC war terminal if new GAW are available, broken emitter in war room is fixed
      Map changes: Fuel depot to widow, certain minor fixes
      Improved artwork by the amazing 3d modeller Nach77 (including Alliance, Asari, Reaper fleets, Terminus freighters)
      DLC Dependancy has been removed (mod can be installed/uninstalled without any issues)
      Volume slightly reduced on assignment/map music
      Upgrade does not need a new playthrough if you already have a mapmod save
  • Version 0.5

    • Thanemod v2 Compatibility Patch added. Enables full version of mapmod to work with Thanemod v2 without any GAW/Email text errors. Installs to its own DLC directory.

Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted