Mc Command Center Update

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  1. Mc Command Center Update Download
  2. Mc Command Center Download 2019
  3. Mc Command Center Update 2018

The Sims 4 Mod by Deaderpool Created by Deaderpool at My goal with MC Command Center was to provide missing story progression to the Sims 4 as well as give the player the ability to fine-tune their playing experience to be more “fun” for their play-style.


Hey! So, I've had an error with the MC Command Center for about a month now (maybe a bit longer). It's basically just a non-stop error message popping up in the corner and it says 'A script error has been logged to the LastException.txt file located in the Sims 4 folder'. I'm not sure what the heck this means, but I took out MC Command Center from my Mods, and the error message stopped completely and my game ran fine, but then today I went and made sure I downloaded the UPDATED MCCC Mod and installed it, and the error popped up again. It's REALLY annoying and I don't understand what's causing this!

Any ideas/help? Thanks so much!

This feature is exclusive to Java Edition, Bedrock Edition and Education Edition.
This article is about console commands. For the block that executes commands, see Command Block. For the minecart that executes commands, see Command block minecart. For the similar system found in the Legacy Console Edition, see host privileges.

Commands are advanced features activated by typing certain strings of text.

  • 1Usage
    • 1.2Target selectors in Java Edition
  • 2List and summary of commands


In the client, commands are entered via the chat window, which is displayed by pressing the T key (default) or / key. Using the / key will also enter the forward slash that commands require as a prefix, so it is a useful shortcut. The and key can be used to view previously entered text, including all previously executed commands. Pressing Tab ↹ while entering commands cycles through possible commands or arguments, and can be used to auto-enter the coordinates of the block looked at before entering chat.

Commands may also be entered in a multiplayer server's console, but are not preceded by a / when entered this way. A server admin running commands in this way is often referred to as 'ghosting'.

Commands in command blockscan be preceded by a slash, but it is not required. Commands in a command block usually also require an optional argument, like a player's username.

The majority of commands are only available in the following situations:

  • In a multiplayer game, entered by an operator or command block.
  • In other multiplayer games, entered by the player who opened a LAN game with cheats enabled, or is hosting their own multiplayer server
  • In singleplayer, if cheats were enabled at world creation (via the 'More World Options...' button).

Some player commands are also available in singleplayer even when cheats are not enabled.

Note: In singleplayer worlds where cheats were not enabled at creation, they can be enabled on a temporary basis by opening the current game session to LAN play ( Esc → 'Open to LAN', then 'Allow Cheats' button and 'Start LAN World'). You do not actually need to be on a LAN or have others join. This is not permanent, but will allow the use of commands until you quit the world, and changes you make via commands (items spawned, etc.) will be saved with the world. You can do this each time you start playing the world again. Note that this will disable game pausing for the duration, so while open to LAN, you should get somewhere safe or reload your world before using the Game Menu. Remember that you can disable your LAN world by reloading the world.

Tilde and caret notation[edit]

Many commands allow relative coordinates to be specified using tildes (~) or carets (^). A number following a tilde or caret specifies an offset from a certain origin rather than a coordinate. The origin depends on the command. For example, in /tp the offset is from the target's starting position. Other common offsets include from the position of the command's execution or from another coordinate specified by the command.

For the tilde, the offsets are in the directions of the world coordinate axes. For the caret, they are along axes originating in the center of the target's head and pointing to the left, forward, and upward, respectively, with respect to the head's tilt angle. For either, the sign of the offset specifies whether the offset is in the positive or negative direction along that axis. A single tilde or caret by itself is shorthand for ~0 or ^0, meaning no offset in that direction.

For example, /tp 0 64 0 will teleport the user to the coordinate (0, 64, 0), while /tp ~3 ~ ~-3 will teleport the user to a position +3 blocks in the 'x' direction (i.e., east), keep their current height, and -3 blocks in the 'z' direction (i.e., north) and /tp ^ ^ ^3 will teleport the user to a position +3 forwards in the direction the player is looking.

Usually absolute coordinates can be mixed with relative coordinates. For example, /tp ~ 64 ~ will keep the user's 'x' and 'z' coordinates the same, but teleport them to absolute height of 64. Similarly, /tp ^-5 ^ ^ will teleport the player 5 blocks to the right, based on the tilt of their head.

Target selectors in Java Edition[edit]

This section needs updating.
Description: Does not account for differences between Java 1.13 and Bedrock

In most commands where a player may be specified as an argument, it is possible to 'target' one or more players satisfying certain conditions instead of specifying players by name. To target players by condition, choose a target selector variable and, optionally, one or more target selector arguments to modify the conditions to be satisfied.

For example, to change the game mode of all players on team Red to creative mode, instead of specifying them by name individually:

/gamemode creative @a[team=Red]

Target selector variables[edit]

Summary of target selector variables
@pnearest player
@rrandom player
@aall players
@eall entities
@sthe entity executing the command
@cyour agent
@vall agents

A target selector variable identifies the broad category of targets to select. There are five variables:

Target the nearest player. When run by the console, the origin of selection will be at (0, 0, 0). If there are multiple nearest players, caused by them being precisely the same distance away, the player who most recently joined the server is selected.
Target selector arguments may be used to reduce the set of players from which the nearest player will be selected. For example, @p[team=Red] will target the nearest player on team Red even if there are other players closer.
The c[Bedrock Edition only] or limit[Java Edition only] target selector argument can be used to increase the number of nearest players targeted (for example, @p[c=3][Bedrock Edition only] or @p[limit=3][Java Edition only] will target the three nearest players).
Target a random player.
Target selector arguments may be used to reduce the set of players from which a random player will be targeted. For example, @r[team=Red] will only target a random player from team Red.
The limit target selector argument can be used to increase the number of random players targeted. For example, @r[limit=3] will target three random players.
The type argument is not allowed on @r. To select a random entity, use @e[sort=random,limit=1] instead.
Target all players, including dead players. No other selector will find dead players, except @s.
Target selector arguments may be used to reduce the set of players targeted. For example, @a[team=Red] will only target players on team Red.
Target all entities (including players).
Target selector arguments may be used to reduce the set of entities targeted. For example, @e[type=cow] will only target cows.

Mc Command Center Update Download

Target only one entity—the entity that executed the command, including dead players. If the executor was not an entity, for instance if the executor was a command block or a server console, this selector will find nothing.
Target selector arguments may be used to specify whether the executor is actually eligible to be targeted. For example, @s[type=cow,team=Red] will only target the executor of the command if the executor was a cow on team Red.
Target your agent only. limit[Education Edition only]
Target selector arguments may be used to target your agent. For example, /tp @c 50 60 40 will teleport your agent only to specified location.
Target all agents. limit[Education Edition only]
Target selector arguments may be used to target all agents. For example, /remove @v will remove all agents.

Target selector arguments[edit]

Summary of target selector arguments
Selection by Position
Argument(s)Selection criteria
x, y, zcoordinate
distance[Java Edition only]
r, rm[Bedrock Edition only]
dx, dy, dzvolume dimensions
Selection by Scoreboard Values
Argument(s)Selection criteria
tagscoreboard tag
teamteam name
Selection by Traits
Argument(s)Selection criteria
limit,sort[Java Edition only]
c[Bedrock Edition only]
level[Java Edition only]
l,lm[Bedrock Edition only]
experience level
gamemode[Java Edition only]
m[Bedrock Edition only]
game mode
nameentity name
x_rotation[Java Edition only]
rx,rxm[Bedrock Edition only]
vertical rotation
y_rotation[Java Edition only]
ry,rym[Bedrock Edition only]
horizontal rotation
typeentity type
nbt[Java Edition only]nbt
advancements[Java Edition only]advancements

After a target selector, optional arguments can be used to modify the set of targets selected. When used with @a or @e, arguments narrow down the number of targets from the full list to a specific few. When used with @p or @r, arguments narrow the number of targets down from the full list to a smaller set from which the nearest or random player is selected. When used with @s, the command user will only be targeted if all arguments pass, otherwise the command will fail.

Add argument-value pairs as a comma-separated list contained within square brackets after the target selector variable:


Arguments and values are case-sensitive. Spaces are allowed around the brackets, equal signs, and commas, except in between the target variable and the first bracket. Commas must be used to separate argument-value pairs.

Position arguments
Define a position in the world for use with either the distance argument or the distance component arguments, dx, dy and dz. Defining position alone has no use without these, so applying it (and only it) to @e still selects all entities in the world.
The positional components are doubles, allowing for values like +12.34, and they are not center-corrected, meaning x=0 is no longer corrected to x=0.5 - tilde notation is available for selector argument coordinates‌[Bedrock Edition only].
Selecting targets by distance
[<x>,<y>,<z>,distance=<value>] - Filter target selection based on their Euclidean distances from some point. If the positional arguments are left undefined, radius/i is calculated relative to the postion of the command's execution. Only unsigned values are allowed.
Ranges are supported, allowing circular regions to be defined:
  • @e[distance=10] — Target all entities exactly 10 blocks away.
  • @e[distance=10..12] — Target all entities more than 10 blocks but less than 12 blocks away (inclusive).
  • @e[distance=5..] — Target all entities at least 5 blocks away.
  • @e[distance=..15] — Target all entities at most 15 blocks away.
Selecting targets by volume
[<x>,<y>,<z>,dx=<value>,dy=<value>,dz=<value>] - Filter target selection based on their x-difference, y-difference, and z-difference from some point, as measured from the closest corner of the entities' hitboxes.
This can be interpreted as creating a rectangular volume defined by an initial position (<x>,<y>,<z>) and diagonal vector (<dx>,<dy>,<dz>), then selecting all entities whose hitboxes are at least partially contained by that volume. If the positional arguments are left out, the selection is interpreted as originating from the position of the command's execution. Any values are allowed, including signed and fractional numbers.
Note that dx,dy,dz specify signed differences from the given coordinate. They do not specify a separate coordinate, nor do they extend in both the positive and negative directions.
  • @e[x=1,dx=4,y=2,dy=5,z=3,dz=6] — Select all entities whose hitbox collects with the block region (1~5, 2~7, 3~9) (or, mathematically speaking, the region which is {(x,y,z)∈R3 x∈[1.0,5.0),y∈[2.0,7.0),z∈[3.0,9.0)}).
  • @e[x=1,y=2,z=3,dx=0,dy=0,dz=0] — Select all entities whose hitbox contains the point (1,2,3).
It is possible to combine selection by distance and selection by volume, in which case the command will only select targets within the overlap of both regions (within certain radius/i of the volume's initial point and not outside the defined volume).
Selecting targets by scores
[scores={<objective>=<value>,...}] - Filter target selection based on their scores in specified objectives.
All tested objectives are in a single tag, with a list of individual score selectors between braces afterwards. The selectors inside the braces support ranges.
  • @e[scores={myscore=10}] — Select all entities with a score in objective myscore of exactly 10.
  • @e[scores={myscore=10..12}] — Select all entities with a score in objective myscore of between 10 and 12 (inclusive).
  • @e[scores={myscore=5..}] — Select all entities with a score in objective myscore of 5 or greater.
  • @e[scores={myscore=..15}] — Select all entities with a score in objective myscore of 15 or less.
  • @e[scores={foo=10,bar=1..5}] — Select all entities with a score in objective foo of exactly 10, and a score in objective bar of between 1 and 5 (inclusive).
Selecting targets by team
[team=<teamName>] - Filter target selection to those who are on a given team.
[team=!<teamName>] — Filter to those who are not on a given team.
[team=] — Filter to those who are teamless.
[team=!] — Filter to those who have some team.
See also: Scoreboard § Teams
Limiting and sorting target selection
[limit=<value>] - Limit the number of targets selected to be no higher than the given value.
When using the variables @p and @r, this argument defaults to 1. Applying the limit argument to them may artificially increase the number of nearest or random targets selected. When applying this argument to @a or @e, this argument returns only a limited number of targets.
[limit=<value>,sort=(nearest furthest random arbitrary)] - Limit the number of targets, and specify selection priority.
  • sort=nearest — Sort by increasing distance. (Default for @p)
  • sort=furthest — Sort by decreasing distance.
  • sort=random — Sort randomly. (Default for @r)
  • sort=arbitrary — Do not sort. (Default for @e, @a)
  • @a[limit=3,sort=nearest][Java Edition only] or @p[limit=3][Java Edition only] or @p[c=3][Bedrock Edition only] — Select the nearest 3 players.
  • @a[limit=4,sort=furthest][Java Edition only] or @p[c=-3][Bedrock Edition only] — Select the furthest 4 players.
  • @a[limit=2,sort=random][Java Edition only] or @r[c=2][Bedrock Edition only] — Select 4 players, chosen randomly.
Selecting targets by experience level
[level=<value>] - Filter target selection based on their experience levels. This naturally filters out all non-player targets.
This selector supports ranges:
  • @a[level=10] — Select all players who have exactly 10 levels.
  • @a[level=10..20] — Select all players who have between 10 and 20 levels (inclusive).
  • @a[level=30..] — Select all players who have at least 30 levels.
  • @a[level=..29] — Select all players who have at most 29 levels.
Selecting targets by game mode
[gamemode=<gamemodeName>] — Filter target selection to those who are in the specified game mode.
[gamemode=!<gamemodeName>] — Filter target selection to those who are not in the specified game mode.
Permitted values for <gamemodeName> are spectator[Java Edition only], adventure, creative, and survival.
This naturally filters out all non-player targets.
  • @a[gamemode=survival][Java Edition only] or @a[m=1][Bedrock Edition only] or @a[m=s][Bedrock Edition only] — Select all players who are in Survival mode.
  • @a[gamemode=!spectator][Java Edition only] — Select all players who are not in Spectator mode.
Selecting targets by name
[name=<givenName>] — Filter target selection to all those with a given name.
[name=!<givenName>] — Filter target selection to all those without a given name.
This is a string, so spaces are only allowed if quotes are applied. This cannot be a JSON text compound.
  • @e[name!=Steve] - Select all entities that are not named 'Steve'.
Selecting targets by vertical rotation
[x_rotation=<value>] — Filter target selection based on their pitch, or more specifically their declination from the horizon, measured in degrees. Values range from -90 (straight up) to 0 (at the horizon) to +90 (straight down).
This argument supports ranges:
  • @e[x_rotation=0] — Select all entities that are looking directly at the horizon.
  • @e[x_rotation=30..60] — Select all entities that are looking between 30° and 60° (inclusive) below the horizon.
  • @e[x_rotation=45..] — Select all entities that are looking 45° or more below the horizon.
  • @e[x_rotation=..0] — Select all entities that are looking at or above the horizon.
Selecting targets by horizontal rotation
[y_rotation=<value>] — Filter target selection based on their rotation in the horizontal XZ-plane, measured clockwise in degrees from due south (or the positive Z direction). Values vary from -180 (facing due north) to -90 (facing due east) to 0 (facing due south) to +90 (facing due west) to +180 (facing due north again).
This argument supports ranges.
  • @a[y_rotation=0] — Select all entities that are facing due south.
  • @a[y_rotation=45] — Select all entities that are facing 45°west of south.
  • @a[y_rotation=96] — Select all entities that are facing 6°north of west.
  • @a[y_rotation=-90..0] — Select all entities that are facing in the 90° between due east and due south (inclusive).
  • @a[y_rotation=-90..90] — Select all entities that are facing between due east and due west (inclusive), through south.
  • @a[y_rotation=0..] — Select all entities that are not facing at all east.
Selecting targets by type
[type=<entityType>] — Filter target selection to those of a specific entity type.
[type=!<entityType>] — Filter target selection to those not of a specific entity type.
The given entity type must be a valid entity ID or tags used to identify different types of entities internally. The namespace can be left out if the ID is within the minecraft: namespace. (For example, minecart:creeper for creepers, minecart for regular minecarts, tnt for primed TNT, etc.) Entity IDs or tags are case-sensitive.
When using the @r parameter, this argument defaults to the type player. Defining a type for this parameter can filter the random selection to only entities.
  • @e[type=skeleton] — Select all skeletons.
  • @e[type=!chicken,type=!cow] — Select all entities except chickens and cows.
  • @e[type=chicken,type=cow] - Not applicable; select all entities that are simultaneously a chicken and a cow.
  • @e[type=#skeletons] — Select all skeletons, wither skeletons, and strays.
Selecting targets by data tag
[tag=<string>] — Filter target selection to those that have at least one tag of the given name.
[tag=!<string>] — Filter to those that have no tags of the given name.
[tag=] — Filter to those that have exactly zero tags.
[tag=!] — Filter to those that have at least one tag.
Multiple tag arguments are allowed. All arguments specifications must be fulfilled for an entity to be selected.
  • @e[tag=a,tag=b,tag=!c] — Select all entities that have tags a and b but not tag c.
  • @r[tag=a] — Select one random player who has tag a.
Selecting targets by NBT‌[Java Edition only]
[nbt=<compoundTag>] — Select all targets that have the specified NBT. The NBT is written in its command definition.
For example:
  • @a[nbt={OnGround:true}] — Select all players on the ground.
  • @e[type=sheep,nbt={Color:0b}] — Select all sheep that are dyed white.
  • @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:'minecraft:slime_ball'}}] — Selects all slime ball drops.
  • @e[nbt={Tags:[a,b]}] is the same as @e[tag=a,tag=b]. The latter is simpler and reduces CPU load.
Note: When matching string form of namespaced IDs within a tag, the namespace cannot be omitted.
Hence @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:slime_ball}}] cannot find any drop as the id field always contains a namespaced ID-converted string.
Selecting targets by advancements‌[Java Edition only]
This section needs expanding
Since 1.13, target selector uses advancements in place of /advancement test. The argument name is the advancement id (namespace can be left out when namespaced minecraft). The value is true, false or so.
  • @a[advancements={story/form_obsidian=true}] — Selects players who have achieved the advancement minecraft:story/from_obsidian.
  • @a[advancements={story/form_obsidian=false}] — Selects players who haven't achieved the advancement minecraft:story/from_obsidian.
  • @a[advancements={story/obtain_armor={iron_helmet=true}}] — Selects players who had armored with iron helmet. The selected players needn't be wearing iron helmet when selected, and needn't have achieved the advancement minecraft:story/obtain_armor.
  • @a[advancements={story/follow_ender_eye=true}] is the same as @a[advancements={story/follow_ender_eye={in_stronghold=true}}].

Data tags[edit]

Main article: NBT format

A data tag is a tree-shaped data structure which can be described starting with attribute-value pairs enclosed in curly braces. One common usage of data tags in Java Edition is in commands, used to specify complex data for any entity.

A data tag consists of zero or more attribute-value pairs delimited by commas and enclosed in curly braces. Each attribute-value pair consists of an attribute name and the attribute's value, separated by a colon. Some values, however, may themselves contain attribute-value pairs, allowing a data tag to describe a hierarchical data structure.


The data structures that data tags describe are the same ones used in Minecraft's save files. These data structures are described in other articles and commands expect data tags to use the same attribute names (which are case-sensitive):

Data Structure Specification Links
Block entitieschests, furnaces, command blocks, mob spawners, signs, etc.
Itemsitems in inventories (includes specifications for enchantments, lore, custom names, etc.)
Item entitiesitems on the ground
Mobscreepers, cows, villagers, etc.
Projectilesarrows, fireballs, thrown potions, etc.
Vehiclesboats, minecarts, etc.
Dynamic tilesprimed TNT, falling sand/gravel/anvils
Other entitiesfirework rockets, paintings, and item frames

The defined data structures also expect the values to be of the correct type.

Data Tags Value Types
ByteA signed 8-bit integer, ranging from -128 to 127 (inclusive).
ShortA signed 16-bit integer, ranging from -32,768 to 32,767 (inclusive).
IntA signed 32-bit integer, ranging from -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 (inclusive).
LongA signed 64-bit integer, ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive).
Float: A 32-bit, single-precision floating-point number, ranging from -3.4E+38 to +3.4E+38.

Double: A 64-bit, double-precision floating-point, ranging from -1.7E+308 to +1.7E+308.

Example: 3.141592653589793

See IEEE floating point for details.

StringA sequence of characters, enclosed in quotes. For strings without commas, brackets, braces or spaces, quote enclosure is optional. Nested quotes can be included within a string by escaping the character with the ' escape sequence.
Example:'Call me 'Ishmael'
ListAn ordered list of tags, enclosed in square brackets and delimited by commas. The tags must be of the same type, determined by the first tag in the list.
CompoundAn ordered list of attribute-value pairs, enclosed in curly braces and delimited by commas.

Each tag may be of any type.

Byte ArrayB; followed by an ordered list of 8-bit integers, delimited by commas. Tag is enclosed in square brackets.
Int ArrayI; followed by an ordered list of 32-bit integers, delimited by commas. Tag is enclosed in square brackets.
Long ArrayL; followed by an ordered list of 64-bit integers, delimited by commas. Tag is enclosed in square brackets.
BooleanA value, expressed as 'true' or 'false'. This is only seen in JSON formatting, as a Byte tag is usually used in NBT data to determine a boolean value as 0 (for false) and 1 (for true).

Some commands may require that a number's type be specified by adding a letter (B, S, L, F, D) to the end of the value. For example, 3s for a short, 3.2f for a float, etc. (This doesn't work with I for int.) The letter can be uppercase or lowercase. When no letter is used and Minecraft can't tell the type from context, it assumes double if there's a decimal point, int if there's no decimal point and the size fits within 32 bits, or string if neither is true. A square-bracketed literal is assumed to be a list unless an identifier is used: [I;1,2,3] for an int array and [L;1L,2L,3L] for a long array.

When commands such as /testfor, /testforblock, and /clear are used to match data tags, they only check for the presence of the provided tags in the target entity/block/item. This means that the entity/block/item may have additional tags and will still match. This is true even for lists and arrays: the order of a list is not acknowledged, and as long as every requested element is in the list, it will match even if there are additional elements.

The format used for data tags is a lenient form of JSON.

Raw JSON text[edit]

For raw JSON text in Bedrock Edition, see Bedrock Edition raw JSON text format.
Mc Command Center Update

The /tellraw and /title commands use strict JSON syntax.

Scores and target selectors are evaluated for a Sign when it is placed or edited and for a Written Book when it is 'resolved' (opened for the first time after signing). They won't update after that, and they won't work if edited onto an existing sign with an NBT editor, or onto a book that's already marked resolved. There's no way to wrap text onto the next line of a sign or the next page of a book during resolution; instead, the extra text will simply disappear.

The format of raw JSON text is a JSON string, a JSON array, or a JSON Object which supports the following (mostly optional) elements:

  • A string representing raw text to display directly in chat. Same as only having a text tag in the base object.
  • Same as having all elements except the first in this array appended to the end of the extra array of the first chat component in this array. Each element repeats this raw JSON text structure.
  • The base chat component object.
    • text: A string representing raw text to display directly in chat. Note that selectors such as '@a' and '@p' are not translated into player names; use selector instead. Can use escape characters, such as n for newline (enter), t for tab, etc.
    • translate: The translation identifier of text to be displayed using the player's selected language. This identifier is the same as the identifiers found in lang files from assets or resource packs. Ignored when text exist in the root object.
    • score: A player's score in an objective. Displays nothing if the player is not tracked in the given objective. Ignored when any of the previous fields exist in the root object.
      • name: The name of the player whose score should be displayed. Selectors (such as @p) can be used, in addition to 'fake' player names created by the scoreboard system. In addition, if the name is '*', it will show the reader's own score (for example, /tellraw @a {'score':{'name':'*','objective':'obj'}} will show every online player their own score in the 'obj' objective).
      • objective: The internal name of the objective to display the player's score in.
      • value: Optional. If present, this value is used regardless of what the score would have been.
    • selector: A string containing a selector (@p,@a,@r,@e or @s) and, optionally, selector arguments. Unlike text, the selector will be translated into the correct player/entity names. If more than one player/entity is detected by the selector, it will be displayed in a form such as 'Name1 and Name2' or 'Name1, Name2, Name3, and Name4'. Ignored when any of the previous fields exist in the root object. Clicking a player's name inserted into a /tellraw command this way will suggest a command to whisper to that player. Shift-clicking a player's name will insert that name into chat. Shift-clicking a non-player entity's name will insert its UUID into chat.
    • keybind: A string that can be used to display the key needed to preform a certain action. An example is key.inventory which will always display 'E' unless the player has set a different key for opening their inventory. Ignored when any of the previous fields exist in the root object.
    • nbt: A string indicating the NBT path used for looking up NBT values from an entity or a block entity. Ignored when any of the previous fields exist in the root object.
    • with: A list of chat component arguments and/or string arguments to be used by translate. Useless otherwise.
      • The arguments are text corresponding to the arguments used by the translation string in the current language, in order (for example, the first list element corresponds to '%1$s' in a translation string). Argument structure repeats this raw JSON text structure.
    • interpret: A boolean to indicate whether the game should interpret the SNBT value at the path indicated by nbt as a raw JSON text (according to this raw JSON text structure). Useless otherwise.
    • block: A string specifying the coordinates of the block entity from which the NBT value is obtained. The coordinates can be absolute or relative. Useless if nbt is absent.
    • entity: A string specifying the target selector for the entity from with the NBT value is obtained. Useless if nbt is absent.
    • extra: A list of additional objects, sharing the same format as the base object.
      • A list element whose structure repeats this raw JSON text structure. Note that all properties of this object are inherited by children except for text, extra, translate, with, and score. This means that children will retain the same formatting and events as this object unless they explicitly override them.
    • color: The color to render this text in. Valid values are 'black', 'dark_blue', 'dark_green', 'dark_aqua', 'dark_red', 'dark_purple', 'gold', 'gray', 'dark_gray', 'blue', 'green', 'aqua', 'red', 'light_purple', 'yellow', 'white', and 'reset' (cancels out the effects of colors used by parent objects). Technically, 'bold', 'italic', 'underlined', 'strikethrough', and 'obfuscated' are also accepted, but it may be better practice to use the tags below for such formats.
    • bold: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text in bold. Defaults to false.
    • italic: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text in italics. Defaults to false.
    • underlined: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text underlined. Defaults to false.
    • strikethrough: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text with a strikethrough. Defaults to false.
    • obfuscated: Boolean (true/false) - whether to render text obfuscated. Defaults to false.
    • insertion: When the text is shift-clicked by a player, this string will be inserted in their chat input. It will not overwrite any existing text the player was writing.
    • clickEvent: Allows for events to occur when the player clicks on text.
      • action: The action to perform when clicked. Valid values are 'open_url' (opens value as a URL in the player's default web browser), 'open_file' (opens the value file on the user's computer), 'run_command' (has value entered in chat as though the player typed it themselves. This can be used to run commands, but the command will fail if the player does not have the required permissions to use it), 'change_page' (can only be used in written books) changes to page value if that page exists, and 'suggest_command' (similar to 'run_command' but it cannot be used in a written book, the text only appears in the player's chat input and it is not automatically entered. Unlike insertion, this will replace the existing contents of the chat input). 'open_file' is used in messages automatically generated by the game (e.g. on taking a screenshot) and cannot be used in commands or signs.
      • value: The URL, file, chat, command or book page used by the specified action. Note that commands must be prefixed with the usual '/' slash.
    • hoverEvent: Allows for a tooltip to be displayed when the player hovers their mouse over text.
      • action: The type of tooltip to show. Valid values are 'show_text' (shows raw JSON text), 'show_item' (shows the tooltip of an item which can have NBT tags), and 'show_entity' (shows an entity's name, possibly its type, and its UUID).
      • value: The formatting of this tag varies depending on the action. Note that 'show_text' is the only action to support an Object as the value; all other action values are Strings and should thus be wrapped in quotes.
        • 'show_text' can be either a raw string of text or an object with the same formatting as this base object. Note that clickEvent and hoverEvent do not function within the tooltip, but the formatting and extra tags still work.
        • 'show_item' can be a string formatted like item NBT data. Contains the 'id' tag, and optionally the 'Damage' tag and 'tag' tag (which is the same compound used as 'dataTag' in the /give command).
        • 'show_entity' can be string formatted like a compound with the string values 'type' (such as 'Zombie'), 'name', and 'id' (should be an entity UUID, but can actually be any string).

Due to the extra tag, the above format may be recursively nested to produce very complex and functional text strings. However, a raw json text doesn't have to be complicated at all: virtually all properties are optional and may be left out.

To be valid, each object must have at least either text, translate, score, selector or keybind (everything else is optional). As a matter of shorthand, however, the entire Object may be substituted with a String. In this case, that string will be considered the value of the text property. For example, 'This is raw text' is equivalent to {'text':'This is raw text'}. This shorthand substitution is valid anywhere a raw text object is required (including the base <raw json message> argument of /tellraw, the elements of the extra list, and the value of a 'show_text' hover_event).

/tellraw also accepts an array of objects and/or strings; they are concatenated. It even accepts a tree of nested arrays; they are traversed depth-first. For example:

Finally, unlike other commands using JSON, /tellraw Strings support Unicode via the notation u####, where #### is the Unicode hexadecimal number for the desired character.

External links
Skylinerw's JSON Text Component
Tellraw Generator
List of all Keybinds

Block/item/entity... names[edit]

Many commands have arguments that identify particular types of blocks, items, entities, advancements, bossbars, effects, enchantments and so on. In the command syntax below, these typically appear as elements named <block>, <item>, or the like which are replaced with identifiers such as minecraft:stone in the examples. These IDs all have namespaces. All original Minecraft contents are namespaced minecraft while contents from mods or data packs have other namespaces. Namespace prefix of IDs namespaced minecraft can be omitted for most situations; however, in certain cases, such as NBT data tag matching, full namespaced ids are required.

List of argument types in Java Edition[edit]

Mc Command Center Download 2019

Main article: Java Edition list of argument types

These are the argument types in Minecraft: Java Edition.

List and summary of commands[edit]

The table below summarizes all commands, including upcoming ones. Click a column heading to sort by that column. Click the link in the first unit of each row to get detailed usage of each command.

Summary of Commands
CommandDescriptionBEEEJEOP levelMP Only
/abilityGrants or revokes a player ability.RemovedYes2
/advancementGives, removes, or checks player advancements.Yes2
/banAdds player to banlist.Yes3MP
/ban-ipAdds IP address to banlist.Yes3MP
/banlistDisplays banlist.Yes3MP
/bossbarCreates and modifies bossbars.Yes2
/classroommodeAbility to edit restricted blocks.Yes3
/clearClears items from player inventory.YesYesYes2
/cloneCopies blocks from one place to another.YesYesYes2
/dataGets, merges, modifies and removes block entity and entity NBT data.Yes2
/datapackControls loaded data packs.Yes2
/debugStarts or stops a debugging session.Yes3
/defaultgamemodeSets the default game mode.Yes2
/deopRevokes operator status from a player.YesYesYes3MP
/difficultySets the difficulty level.YesYesYes2
/effectAdd or remove status effects.YesYesYes2
/enchantEnchants a player item.YesYesYes2
/executeExecutes another command.YesYesYes2
/experienceAdds or removes player experience.YesYesYes2
/fillFills a region with a specific block.YesYesYes2
/forceloadForces chunks to constantly be loaded or not.Yes2 (query)
4 (others)
/functionRuns a function.YesYes2
/gamemodeSets a player's game mode.YesYesYes2
/gameruleSets or queries a game rule value.YesYesYes2
/giveGives an item to a player.YesYesYes2
/helpProvides help for commands.YesYesYes0
/immutableworldAllows setting immutable state of a world.Yes3
/kickKicks a player off a server.Yes3MP
/killKills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.).YesYesYes2
/listLists players on the server.YesYesYes0
/locateLocates closest structure.YesYesYes2
/lootDrops items from an inventory slot onto the ground.Yes2
/meDisplays a message about the sender.YesYesYes0
/mixerMixer interactivity control.Yes2
/mobeventEnables/disables a specified mob event.YesUnknown2
/msgDisplays a private message to other players.YesYesYes0
/opGrants operator status to a player.YesYesYes3MP
/pardonRemoves entries from the banlist.Yes3MP
/particleCreates particles.YesYes2
/playsoundPlays a sound.YesYesYes2
/publishOpens single-player world to local network.Yes4SP only
/recipeGives or takes player recipes.Yes2
/reloadReloads loot tables, advancements, and functions from disk.YesYes4
/removeRemoving agent.Yes3
/resupplyResupply villagers.Upcoming2
/replaceitemReplaces items in inventories.YesYesYes2
/savePrepares a backup, queries its status, or resumes.BDS onlyMP
/save-allSaves the server to disk.Yes4MP
/save-offDisables automatic server saves.Yes4MP
/save-onEnables automatic server saves.Yes4MP
/sayDisplays a message to multiple players.YesYesYes1
/scheduleDelays the execution of a function.Yes2
/scoreboardManages objectives, players, teams, and tags.YesYes2
/seedDisplays the world seed.Yes2
/setblockChanges a block to another block.YesYesYes2
/setidletimeoutSets the time before idle players are kicked.Yes3MP
/setmaxplayersSets the maximum number of players allowed to join.YesYes0
/setworldspawnSets the world spawn.YesYesYes2
/spawnpointSets the spawn point for a player.YesYesYes2
/spreadplayersTeleports entities to random locations.YesYesYes2
/stopStops a server.Yes4MP
/stopsoundStops a sound.YesYesYes2
/summonSummons an entity.YesYesYes2
/tagControls entity tags.YesYes2
/teamControls teams.Yes2
/teleportTeleports entities.YesYesYes2
/teammsgSpecifies the mesage to send to team.Yes0
/tellDisplays a private message to other players.YesYesYes0
/tellrawDisplays a JSON message to players.YesYes2
/testforCounts entities matching specified conditions.YesYes2
/testforblockTests whether a block is in a location.YesYes2
/testforblocksTests whether the blocks in two regions match.YesYes2
/tickingareaAdd, remove, or list ticking areas.YesYes2
/timeChanges or queries the world's game time.YesYesYes2
/titleManages screen titles.YesYesYes2
/toggledownfallToggles the weather.YesYes2
/tpTeleports entities.YesYesYes2
/transferserverTransfer player to a server.YesYes0
/triggerSets a trigger to be activated.Yes0
/wDisplays a private message to other players.YesYesYes0
/weatherSets the weather.YesYesYes2
/whitelistManages server whitelist.Yes3MP
/worldborderManages the world border.Yes2
/worldbuilderAbility to edit restricted blocks.YesYes3
/wsserverConnects to a WebSocket server.YesYes0
/xpAdds or removes player experience.YesYesYes2

Removed commands[edit]

Summary of Commands
CommandDescriptionReason for DeletionPEEEJEOP levelMP Only
/achievementGives or takes an achievement from a player.Achievements were removed in Java Edition 1.12.Removed2
/broadcastBroadcasts a message across the entire server.Repurposed as /say in Java Edition Classic 0.0.16a_01.Removed2
/entitydataModifies the data tag of an entity.Repurposed as /data in Java Edition 1.13.Removed2
/homeTeleports player to the world spawn.World spawn became based on spawn chunks instead of a singular location.Removed0
/setspawnSets the current location as the default spawn location for new players.World spawn became based on spawn chunks instead of a singular location.Removed2
/solidToggles between placing stone and placing bedrock.Feature removed during Java Edition Indev, placing blocks became inventory based.Removed2
/statsUpdate objectives from command results.Became part of /execute in Java Edition 1.13.Removed2
/unbanPardons a banned player.Repurposed as /pardon in Java Edition Alpha 1.0.16.Removed3MP
/toggledownfallToggles the weather.Removed in Java Edition 1.13 due to redundancy with the /weather command.Removed2

Command guide[edit]

If you see...Then
plain textEnter this literally, exactly as shown.
<angle brackets>Replace this with an appropriate value.
[square brackets]This is an optional argument.
(<entry> <entry>)(Required) Pick one of the entries shown, often literal words.
[<entry> <entry>](Optional) Pick one of the entries shown, often literal words.
ellipsis ...This entry may repeat more than once.
<argument>: <int>The argument is expected to be an integer.
<argument>: <double>The argument is expected to be a double-precision float.
<argument>: <string>The argument is expected to be a string. Quotes must be applied if any non-alphanumeric characters show up in the string.
Success Conditions
A command's Success Conditions must be met in order for the game to consider the command 'successful'. This is used to determine a variety of things, such as the output of a redstone comparator feeding from command block with a command. Note that not all 'successful' commands actually do something, and not all 'failed' commands fail to do something useful.
Describes restrictions on who can use the command or in what context.
  • None: The command can be used by any player in any world. The following commands have no restrictions: /help, /me, /tell, and /trigger.
  • Operator: The command may only be used by an operator or in singleplayer mode with cheats enabled. On multiplayer servers, the results of these commands are broadcast to other ops online.
  • Multiplayer: The command is only available on a multiplayer server. The following commands are restricted to multiplayer servers: /ban, /ban-ip, /banlist, /deop, /kick, /list, /op, /pardon, /pardon-ip, /save-all, /save-off, /save-on, /setidletimeout, /stop, /whitelist.
No multiplayer commands permit target selectors in arguments.
Except for /list, multiplayer commands cannot be used in command blocks.
Many of these commands can be used on players who have never been to the server, or even on names which are not (or cannot be) registered as Minecraft accounts.
  • No command blocks: The command cannot be executed by a command block.


Video made by slicedlime:


This page is currently in the process of being split into two or more separate articles. Please help in the splitting of this page.Discuss
The topics presented on this page may be diverse enough to warrant distinct pages.
Reason: Move history to each subpage.
Java Edition Classic
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 3)Added /ban, /banip, /broadcast, /deop, /kick, /op, /tp, and /unban.
0.0.16a_01Changed /broadcast to /say.
0.0.17aAdded /setspawn.
0.0.20aAdded /solid.
Java Edition Indev
0.31Removed all commands.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.16Added /ban, /ban-ip, /banlist, /deop, /home, /kick, /op, /pardon, /pardon-ip, /say, and /stop.
v1.0.16_01Added /save-all, /save-on, /save-off and /tp.
v1.0.16_02Added /list and /tell.
v1.2.5Removed /home.
v1.2.6Added /kill.
Java Edition Beta
1.3Added /whitelist.
Java Edition
1.3.112w16aAdded cheats mode and /gamemode, /give, /time, /toggledownfall, and /xp.
12w17aAdded /help.
12w21aAdded /seed.
12w22aAdded /defaultgamemode.
12w24aAdded /publish.
12w25aCheats can now be turned on or off when opening a world to other players through LAN.
12w27aAdded /debug.
12w30a/gamemode 3 change to /gamemode 0 (survival mode).
1.4.212w32aAdded /difficulty, /gamerule, /spawnpoint, and /weather.
Added target selectors.
12w37aAdded /clear.
12w38aAdded item arguments to /clear.
12w41aThe limit for /xp is now 2,147,483,647 instead of 5,000.
1.4.4preAdded /enchant.
1.513w03aAdded /testfor.
13w04aAdded /scoreboard.
13w09bAdded /effect.
1.6.113w23aAdded /spreadplayers.
Added gamerule naturalRegeneration.
13w24aAdded gamerule doDaylightCycle.
13w24bThe damage dealt by /kill was changed from 1,000 to 3.4×1038.
1.6-preAdded clear argument to /effect.
preAdded /playsound.
1.7.213w36aAdded /summon.
Added /achievement.
Added dataTag argument to /give.
13w37aAdded /setblock, /tellraw, and /testforblock.
13w38aAdded /setidletimeout.
13w43aAdded /setworldspawn.
1.814w02aAdded /blockdata.
Added the @etarget selector variable.
Added player entity argument to /kill.
Added data argument to /clear.
Added dataTag argument to /testfor.
/testfor is no longer exclusive to command blocks.
Added insertion attribute to raw JSON text specification.
14w02cTo fix MC-44371, /kill now directly kills non-living targets, rather than dealing 3.4×1038 void damage.
14w03aAdded rotation arguments to /tp.
Added dx, dy, and dz to target selector arguments.
Added /clone and /fill.
Added gamerule logAdminCommands.
NBT data now supports using string IDs rather than numerical IDs.
Numerical IDs no longer work in other parts of commands, though they still work for NBT data.
14w04aAdded /particle.
14w05aAdded spectator to /gamemode and /defaultgamemode.
14w06aAdded hideParticles argument to /effect.
Added /trigger.
14w07aAdded /execute and /testforblocks.
/testfor can now test for partial NBT tag matches.
14w08aCommands run using /execute now pass their success value back to the command block running them.
14w10aAdded gamerule showDeathMessages.
Added force option to /clone.
14w17aAdded /worldborder.
Added gamerule randomTickSpeed.
14w19aAdded /worldborder damage and /worldborder warning.
14w20aAdded /title.
Added selector attribute to raw JSON text specification.
Added move option to /clone.
14w26aAdded /worldborder add.
Added /replaceitem.
Added gamerule sendCommandFeedback
14w28aAdded /stats.
14w29aAdded /worldborder get.
Added force argument to /particle.
Added /timequery.
Added the ability to create dummy gamerules.
Added QueryResults to /stats.
14w30a/summon can now spawn lightning.
14w31a/debug can be run in single player.
Added chunk argument to /debug.
14w32bAdded /entitydata.
/give can no longer make illegal stacks.
1.8.1pre1Added the game rule doEntityDrops.
The game rule doTileDrops no longer affects entities.
1.915w37aAdded gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks.
15w43a/gamemode now displays in chat the gamemode the player switched to.
15w49a/playsound now accepts Tab to complete.
Added player and params tag to the /particle
15w49b/time query now accepts day as a value.
15w51aAdded gamerule spawnRadius.
16w02aThe m selector now accepts the standard literal gamemode values and abbreviations, such as a and adventure, and these may be negated as well.
/playsound now requires a source parameter, specifying what is the sound's category for volume purposes.
Running /help in a command block will now randomly use one of various different humorous phrases as the previous output.
16w03a/achievement no longer affects statistics.
16w07aAdded gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck.
1.9.3pre1/tp will no longer teleport the player to a y-coordinate outside the range -512 to 512.
pre2Added /stopsound.
1.1016w21bThe y-coordinate range of /tp is increased to -4096 to 4096.
pre1Added /teleport, which is like /tp, except that the target parameter is mandatory, the 'teleport to other player' usage is unavailable, and the use of relative coordinates is relative to the executor of the command, rather than relative to the target.
1.1116w32aAdded block state support to /execute, /fill, /setblock and /testforblock.
16w32bAdded ability for /title to display text in the action bar position.
16w38aAdded gamerules doWeatherCycle and maxEntityCramming.
Removed implicit target selectors (for example, @e[167,28,454]).
Invalid target selectors (such as @e[Type=creeper], @e[asdf=nonexistent], and @e[malformed]) now generate an error instead of being silently ignored.
16w39aAdded /locate.
1.1217w13aAdded /recipe and /advancement.
Added gamerule doLimitedCrafting.
Removed /achievement.
17w16bAdded gamerule maxCommandChainLength.
Added the @starget selector variable
17w18aAdded gamerule announceAdvancements.
Added /reload.
pre1Added gamerule gameLoopFunction.
Added /function.
1.1317w45aA new library named Brigadier is now used to parse commands. Different components of commands are displayed in different colors, and errors will be displayed in red without having to run the command. Commands, for the most part, do not allow uppercase letters, and are now much faster and more efficient.
An nbt argument in target selectors.
Changed the syntax for several commands.[more information needed]
Added /tag and /team.
Removed /enchant, /stats, /testfor, /testforblock, /testforblocks and /toggledownfall.
The syntax of /execute has been split off.
/gamerule no longer accepts unknown values ('custom gamerules').
Values to /gamerule are now type checked.
/publish now accepts an optional port argument.
17w45bAdded /data.
Removed /entitydata.
Reworked /execute store.
17w46aAdded /datapack.
The player now has the option to toggle automatic command suggestions.
The command UI has a new prototype, and now works in multiplayer.
17w47aRemoved /blockdata.
Particle names have been changed for the command /particle.
Added an option in chat to toggle automatic command suggestions.
17w48aTweaked the command suggestion UI.
Reworked tab-completion for coordinates.
17w49bRemoved the gameLoopFunction/gamerule.
17w50aLocal coordinates can now be specified in commands using ^.
Tab-completing when not targeting a block will suggest ~ ~ ~.
18w01aAdded facing to /teleport, which will make the target entity face an entity or a location.
Added the options noon and midnight to /time set.
Changed all custom names (blocks, items, entities, block entities) to translatable text components.
Thrower and Owner nbt keys of item entities are no longer strings but are instead compounds with two longs named L and M.
owner nbt keys of snowballs, eggs and ender pearls are no longer strings but are instead compounds with two longs named L and M.
18w02aErrors during a command are now a nicer error message (with a tool tip for more info).
/teleport has been simplified a bit, and players can now teleport to entities in other dimensions.
Added new sub-commands to /execute to allow for more control over commands.
Server commands now run from world spawn in the Overworld, instead of at 0,0,0.
18w03aImproved performance of command parsing and command execution.
Added commands to the profiler (/debug).
/data get with a path now works on non-numeric values.
Added the /particle <name> <pos> shortcut.
18w05aAdded /bossbar
New /execute store subcommand.
Added basic entity selector suggestions in the command UI.
A warning is now logged for ambiguous commands.
18w06aRe-added /enchant.
Added command suggestions for entity selectors.
Whitespaces are now allowed in entity selectors & blockstate arguments.
/locate now accepts different structure names for all structures previously grouped under Temple: Desert_Pyramid, Igloo, Jungle_Pyramid, and Swamp_Hut.
18w08aAdded a clickable teleport link to the /locate command output.
18w19aThe output of the /seed command can now be copied.
18w20aTeams now have a prefix and a suffix.
pre7Added /scoreboard objectives modify <objectiveName> displayname <displayName>.
pre8Added /team modify <teamName> displayName.
Added /scoreboard objectives modify <objectiveName> rendertype hearts, which makes health bars display as hearts, like this: .
Added /scoreboard objectives modify <objectiveName> rendertype integer, which makes health bars display as yellow numbers.
Team names & objective names are now text components, not raw strings.
/team option is now /team modify.
1.13.118w31a Added /chunk.
pre1Renamed /chunk to /forceload.
September 26, 2018Brigadieropen-sourced under the MIT license. (Source code previously was available on the library site, with no license specified).
1.1418w43aAdded /drop and /schedule.
/replaceitem can now be used on item frames.
18w45a/drop renamed to /loot and reworked.
19w02aAdded /teammsg.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.7.4Added support for commands, though none are implemented yet.
0.16.0build 1Added /clearfixedinv, /clone, /deop, /execute, /fill, /gamemode, /give, /help (with alias /?), /kill, /list, /op, /say, /setblock, /setfixedinvslot, /setworldspawn, /spawnpoint, /summon, /tell (with aliases /msg and /w), /testforblock, /testforblocks, /time, /toggledownfall, /tp (with alias /teleport), /weather, /wsserver and /xp.
Functionality of most commands is equivalent to Java Edition 1.10 usage. Differences include: no support for datatags, /clone cannot use forced cloneMode, /gamemode can only use Creative and Survival modes, the player target is optional in /give, and the entity target is optional in /execute.
build 2Removed /clearfixedinv and /setfixedinvslot, along with other Education Edition - related items.
build 5Added /enchant.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha /locate and /connect.
alpha /locate.
alpha /locate. Only works for strongholds.
1.0.3alpha /transferserver.
1.0.5alpha /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /gamerule, /me, /particle, /playsound, /replaceitem, /spreadplayers, /stopsound, /testfor and /title.
alpha /particle.
The amplifier on /effect can no longer have negative values.
1.1.0alpha canplaceon and candestroy are now supported for /replaceitem.
/locate can now find other structures.
Added the dodaylightcycle, doentitydrops, dofiretick, domobspawning, domobloot, dotiledrops, doweathercycle, keepinventory and mobgriefing gamerules.
?Added /setmaxplayers.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta /tickingarea.
1.5.0beta 5 new commands for worlds with education edition features enabled.
1.6.0beta the doinsomnia gamerule.
1.7.0beta /scoreboard.
Added the commandblocksenabled gamerule.
1.8.0beta /particle.
Added the randomTickSpeed gamerule.
Added /reload.
Added /function.
1.9.0beta /tellraw.
Added the showdeathmessages gamerule.
Added the immediaterespawn gamerule.
Added new particles for /particle.
1.11.0beta /resupply however this doesn't work.
beta /mobevent.
Upcoming Bedrock Edition
1.12.0beta spawnradius game rule.
Added sendcommandblockfeedback game rule.
Added more new particles for /particle.
Added new commands for map making and add-ons.


Mc Command Center Update 2018

Issues relating to 'Commands' are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

See also[edit]

Java Edition
  • Demo
  • PC Gamer Demo (Beta 1.3)
Version history
  • Classic
    • Multiplayer test
  • Mentioned features
  • Known bugs
  • Hardware
  • Commands
  • Data values
  • .minecraft
Development resources
  • Structure block file format
Legacy development resources
Game customization
  • Mods
Bedrock Edition
  • Windows 10 Edition
  • Samsung Galaxy Apps
  • Windows Phone 8.1
  • Commands (Functions)
Exclusive features
  • Music
World types
Generated structures
  • Far Lands
Blocks and items
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