Can You Logout Of Whatsapp
Hi, I did a search but there’s no solution out there.
My partner has WhatsApp installed on his laptop, which is linked to the account registered to my smartphone.
How to Know Who Has Viewed Your Status on WhatsApp. This wikiHow teaches you how to see a list of everybody who viewed your Status updates on WhatsApp. Open WhatsApp. Tap the WhatsApp app icon, which looks like a green box with a white. You can also browse the topics below to find what you are looking for. General Account and Profile. Lost and stolen phones.
By deleting my Whatsapp account then reactivating it with the same number, can I stop my (soon to be ex) partner from receiving copies of all my WhatsApps messages on his laptop?

Are there any other ways to deauthorize the WhatsApp app on his laptop?
Hello I would like to know how can I hide the logged in to chrome and other devices with out clicking log out of all devices,
Go to the WhatsApp app on your phone. Click the three dots on the top right -> WhatsApp Web - it'll show you where your account is logged in -> Click 'log out' all the devices will be logged out. Hope it helps.
but i use iphone 6 and there are not such option on it
hello sir how to we konw that other computeror pc has traced my whatsapp web
how can I hide logout option from whatsapp web
Can i get the details of computer using my whatsapp web??
Hi. Is there any chance that webwhatsapp will disconect by it self after a few days? I was using webwhatsapp in a different cell phone thru the browser on that cell. I left the box checked for keep me sing in, but i was turning the cell phone on and off. After a few days, i turned on the browser cell, and the webwhatsapp was disconnected. Did i do it by accident? Or it will happen by itself?
Hi, after I initially set-up web it was working fine. When once it failed to download pics, I disconnected it from my phone and was hoping to reconnect. However, now when I go to it is not loading anything at all (all I see is the loading symbol circling- no QR quote or my profile). I removed all cookies etc. powered down/up my phone, closed all Chrome and reopened and nothing works (still not loading anything). Only thing I did not try yet is rebooting the computer.What could be the issue?
Go to WhatsApp on your phone. Go to the menu and look for an option that's along the lines of WhatsApp web. When you get to this screen it will show you the computers your device allows access to, hit the log out from all computers option and try again.
As for the images though, I use both the web version and the desktop version and I have issues pulling up older images, if needed I usually just resend them in the chat on my phone so it's a new message.
Go to setting and hit desktop mode
Just in case any of the comments didn't make sense I can try and explain it simply.
Your WhatsApp account is connected to your telephone number and by default, you can only access it on your phone. When you use the Desktop app, web app, or whatever else they have to use the app on, it must be granted permission via your phone using the app to scan the little code that pops up. When it does this, your phone then says okay, your phone and now the desktop app on so-and-so's computer will receive the messages as long as the desktop app can communicate with your phone via an internet source.
So, in the case of an EX or even just a shared computer, you can easily remove access to your WhatsApp account by opening WhatsApp on your phone and pressing the 3 vertical dots that signify more menu options and selecting WhatsApp web. Now, instead of before where you were prompted with the camera to scan the code to give access, it now shows a list of all devices that you allow to receive your messages. Simply click 'Log out from all computers'. What this does is removes any access to your WhatsApps messages on anything other than your phone.
Now, if say your EX or little sibling was trying to snoop and opened the WhatsApp app on the computer, they will be prompted with the sign in screen in which they can only log into your account if you are there to scan the code with your phone.
As another tidbit of info, let us say you and your EX just split and you stormed out, but you also left WhatsApp open and logged in on the computer you once shared. Hitting 'Log out of all computers' in the previous instructions will log you out of the desktop app immediately.
I hope that makes things easier!
Hi what if he screenshot my. QR? Does it still works?
It wouldn't work because the QR code is just the way the app on your phone gets the info telling it what app and computer you potentially want to use whats app on and allows the account to connect to said device.
So to explain a bit more, the QR code only shows up on the desktop and web versions, and all it does is contain the information allowing the phone that scans it to connect to that device, so unless he downloads the desktop app or goes to the website, then uses YOUR phone to scan the code, he can't access it and a screenshot of the QR achieves nothing, plus he can't install the app on his phone and try to use your account because WhatsApp is tied to your phone number.
Make sense?
Dear Sir,
I am using Samsung Note 3 , same problem i faced , when i entered in whatsup web its start screen search .I don't received any message from where i can logged out.pls guide me whats the suitable way to logged out from other devices.
I logged out my whatsapp from other device, but I'm confused if that device still have my media on their phone which they received before I logged out ,is it possible? Or does the media(like images and videos) delete automatically from other device?
Thank you so much :)
How about a whatsapp message in the whatsapp web app is not updating, what does that mean?
I tried the whatsapp web option but it didn't show the computers I was connected to but I know he is connected to my whatsapp , he sent me messages of my chats with a friend . How do I logout from his computer ???
Hello I followed the instructions u gave but yet I'm still asked to scan the QR code.I havery not yet seen an option to log out from all devices
Thanks for this, I had the same question.
I just got a response from the WhatsApp support staff. To disconnect your phone from any WhatsApp Web connections you have established:
- Go to WhatsApp on your phone
- Tap the three dots for the menu
- Tap WhatsApp Web
- Tap Logout from all computers
will uninstall WhatsApp logout from all computers?
Yes, once you uninstall it, ithe will automatically logged out all the other computers
If I deleted my account thn again recreate my whatsapp a/c thn is it possible that my whatsapp a/c is logout from all the other devices
Although it wasn't explicitly stated, it was implied that uninstalling it does get rid of it, but if you reinstall it on the same device (or a device where the account is transferred using the procedure in the FAQ) and it appears again on that local network, it will re-attach itself. The logout procedure described above is the only way to ensure that it will not re-establish the link without having to manually re-connect the devices.
Hi bruce,im faces same trouble,would u guide how to not clear about above mention reinstall same devices
I taped wats app web . Where is logout option . After I touch wats app web it scan code only
That means there are no computers currently attached to that account and it is expecting you to add one.
Download little witch academia movie sub indo. Hi Bruce and thank you for all the valuable information you mentioned.
I also have a question, suppose i closed the tab i was using for whatsapp web, will i have to go through all the process of scanning?
What should be done?
thxwhy my friend still get to read my chat when i have removed it all?
But there is no option to log out from other computer
tried that, they say everything is under control, but the pc still get s my messages even though my whatsapp on my phone says no devices are connected. Thank you
To be honest, if it is a case of serious security, and if you are separating from your partner soon, I would contact WhatsApp directly. I cannot find any literature that either confirms or unconfirms the fix you suggested.
Good luck.
I'm not aware of any official WhatsApp application for PCs so it is hard to say without knowing the exact way the account is accessed on the computer.
Usually activating WhatsApp on another device with the same phone number will revoke access from all other, previous devices. Just to be safe you might want to have them deactivate the account manually before reactivating it on your phone. you for clarifying. I'm not a WhatsApp user so I really don't follow it's development. After reading the MUO article on it I believe one should be able to log out all browser via the phone app.
// I cannot confirm whether this revokes access permanently. Maybe this is worthy to be tested and included into the article.
Jan, I should have looked at that article in the first place. I knew that one was here but it didn't show up in my search because the answer could be derived from an image in the article but not from the text of the article.
Hey Bruce so I found out that my account was connected to another pc then I pressed logout on that pic?can they still receive my messages?? And another question in my phone (iPhone 6) I don't see the three dots just ,just a scan reader asking me to scan
Millions of PC users have installed the new WhatsApp for Windows desktop app in the past few hours. The WhatsApp desktop app for Windows desktop offers all the features available in the smartphone version of the app.
If you often let others to access your PC, you might want to stop others from viewing your WhatsApp messages. While there is no way around to password protect your WhatsApp app on Windows, you can log out of WhatsApp app on your PC before allowing someone else to access your PC.
Luckily, signing out of WhatsApp app in Windows 10/8 takes less than two seconds. In fact, you can log out of WhatsApp on a PC with just two clicks or taps. While a keyboard shortcut to sign out would have been fantastic, the current setup is not hard either.
Sing out of WhatsApp app in Windows 10
There are basically two ways out there to sign out of WhatsApp desktop app. In addition to WhatsApp desktop app, you can also use the WhatsApp app on your smartphone to log out from the desktop app.
The ability to sign out using the smartphone is really handy as you can sign out of the desktop app (only desktop app and not from the smartphone app) when you are away from your PC.
Here is how to log out of WhatsApp desktop app in Windows 10.
Method 1
Log out of WhatsApp desktop app
Step 1: Make sure that your PC is connected to the internet and then launch WhatsApp desktop app.
Step 2: Once the app is launched, click on WhatsApp menu (see picture below) and then click Log out option to sign out of WhatsApp desktop app.
To sign in again, please follow the directions mentioned in Method 3.
Method 2
Sign out of WhatsApp desktop from smartphone
If you’re away from your PC, you can still log out of WhatsApp desktop app using your smartphone. Here is how to do just that.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your smartphone.
Step 2: After launching the WhatsApp app on your smartphone, you need to navigate to WhatsApp web using the following directions:
On iPhone: WhatsApp app > Settings > WhatsApp Web
On Android and Windows Phone: WhatsApp > Menu > WhatsApp Web
Step 3: Under Logged in computers section, tap the link labelled Log out from all computers, and then tap Log out again (depending on your operating system, this option might change but will be similar) when you see the confirmation. That’s it!
Can You Log Out Of Whatsapp Web
Method 3
To sign in to WhatsApp desktop again
Step 1: Launch WhatsApp desktop on your PC to see the QR code screen.
Can You Logout Of Whatsapp Account
Step 2: On your smartphone, open WhatsApp and scan the QR code being shown on your PC to log in. As simple as that!