Oblivion How To Install Darnified Ui
I've been encountering some issues recently with Mod Organizer when it comes to mods that don't use/require .esp files.
For example, Darnified UI 132 (.7z version) doesn't use an esp file, as it's intended to be used as a replacer.
This mod gives the Oblivion UI the most extensive facelift yet. It's goal is to rid the pc version of the horrid xbox interface. Fonts are smaller, settings can be adjusted in game, user controls are scaled, more info on screen, and the hud is vastly improved. OBMM Install. OMOD Install. Once you've downloaded the zip file, extract the.omod file inside to Oblivion folder obmm mods. Start Oblivion Mod Manager. The list to the right contains your omods. The small colored squares in front of the name are status icons. Green is preferred, but the tan color you see on the picture is ok too.

Then there are body replacers like Robert's Male Body and HGEC. Although they include .esp files, they're not nessecarily needed, and it's also recommended that the .esp files not be used alongside Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 to avoid conflicts.
Anyways, i'm using the Steam version of Oblivion GOTY with OBSE. I know that OBSE is working because Blockhead works (allowing me to move the camera about in chargen). I know that the Mod Organizer OBSE hook is working, as Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 will work.
However, neither Darnified UI nor the body replacers i'm using have any effect, and the only thing they have in common is that they're not using .esp files.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? I'm using the latest version of MO, 1.2.11.
Oblivion How To Install Darnified Ui Obmm
Oblivion How To Install Darnified Ui Download
If you want a high resolution local map (not in the pictures here) you can install only the DLL from Northern UI (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48577 - actually I think using the whole OBSE/Plugins folder) and disable everything else in its ini. Requires OBSE.
The colored world map on the screenshot is most likely Color Map Mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/1951) but there are a lot of styles out there. If you just look for the word 'map' on the nexus, you will find some more/some for SI as well.
Same goes for the map markers, they seem to be Colored Map Markers (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2537) but there are other styles out there. This download seems to be a rar inside a rar or some other weird thing, so you might want to skip to the next paragraph:
A more modern alternative is Map Marker Overhaul (Requires OBSE), which adds a bunch of really nice features as well as a selection of different map marker styles (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/26389). Honestly, rather than bothering with the other one, if you don't want to use Map Marker Overhaul you could just install '01 Colored Icons' of Map Marker Overhaul and nothing else.