The Samples The Last Drag
Listen free to The Samples – The Last Drag (Little Silver Ring, Everytime and more). 16 tracks (62:28). Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at
The Samples The Last Drag Lyrics
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And tell me love is forgiven
Beneath it all she cries
That what's not safe is hidden
You know what's wrong now
You can't deny this
All the pretty horses roam and the morning roosters crowing
All the final seeds have grown and the summer wind is blowing
You know what's wrong now
You can't deny this
Another day fades away
Into the midwestern haze
A duster plane flies away
Over pastures of cattle
You know what's wrong now
You can't deny this
Can you look me straight in my eyes?
And tell me love is forgiven

Lyrics submitted by SongMeanings
'The Last Drag' as written by Sean Kelly
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
Lyrics powered by LyricFind
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I've been a fan of The Samples for several years now. I first bought their 'Outpost' CD as an experiment, and then went on to pick up every Samples disc I could find. They represent a sound that's been all but missing for a long time in mainstream rock and roll. Real songs, played by real musicians who really don't seem to care an awful lot if they never get any airplay. They can rock with the best of them when they want to (check out the live CD, 'Underwater People'), and then display a quiet sensitivity rarely found in rock music since at least the 70's, without sounding at all dated. The musicianship and songwriting are unsurpassed by anyone I can name. There isn't a Samples album I don't like, but this is my personal favorite. They really don't rock very hard on this album-- it's mostly kind of spacey, with touches of psychedelia just beneath the surface-- and it's absolutely great. If you're unfamiliar with this band, buy this CD. If you don't instantly love it, send it to me-- because if it's possible to wear out a CD, I'm gonna need another copy someday.