The Sims 3 Pets Cheats
- For The Sims 3 Plus Pets on the PC, GameFAQs has 27 cheat codes and secrets.
- In The Sims 3: Pets for the PC, as in the previous versions, there are cheats that you can enter for various effects. On the keyboard, hold Ctrl + Shift and hit the C button to bring up the command prompt. From here you type in your cheat and hit Enter. 1,000 Simoleons – kaching 50,000 Simoleons – motherlode. Display Cheats List – help.
Pause the game and press LT + LB + RT + RB. Note: Enabling this code will prevent achievements from being earned.
Easy agingYou can have a family of up to 10 members, but you can only have 8 Sims or 6 pets (so you could have 7 Sims and 3 pets, up to you). You can sell a foal that was bred by U + H if it turned out to be a normal foal. Sometimes a female unicorn foal, when they grow up, can get a beard off their dad––a female with a beard!
In Builds & Buy mode, buy the Birthday Cake, then have your Sim blow it out to immediately increase your age.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Good Fluffy! (10 points): Praise or scold a pet enough times to add a trait.
- Personality: I Haz It (25 points): Train a pet to have 9 traits.
- Sit! Play Dead! (20 points): Earn more than �1,000 during a trick exhibition.
- Have You Seen This Pet? (20 points): Find your lost pet.
- It's Genetic (20 points): Breed a Natural-Born Hunter cat or Natural-Born Digger dog.
- Sim�s Best Friend (10 points): Become a BFF with a dog.
- Wingman, er... Dog (15 points): Fetch a date.
- Where'd You Get That!? (15 points): Fetch something worth at least �2,000 with a dog.
- Do Not Want! (35 points): Successfully bathe your cat.
- Smooth Criminal (15 points): Steal something worth at least �2,000 with a cat.
- Cat-A-Kinesis (10 points): Use a telekinetic cat to make a Sim fix a meal from the fridge.
- The Parent Challenge (30 points): Complete each of the parenting Challenges.
- I'd Rather Be Fishing (10 points): Complete each of the fishing Challenges.
- All You Need (50 points): Complete each of the love and romance Challenges.
- Cat-astrophe (35 points): Complete each of the Cat-astrophe scenario Challenges.
- K9 Cop (30 points): Complete each of the k9 cop scenario Challenges.
- Mass Hysteria (15 points): Have a dog and a cat become best friends.
- Is This.. Okay? (25 points): Make a Sim transmogrified from a cat and a Sim transmogrified from a dog become a couple.
- Family Feud (20 points): Activate the Cry Havoc karma power during a wedding party.
- Maid-out (20 points): Make out with the maid.
- Employee Benefits (15 points): Become a romantic interest of your boss.
- TMI (30 points): Have your Sim kiss their brother's/sister's best friend.
- Flirting with Disaster (20 points): Escape a karmic backlash by quickly balancing the meter after dropping below -50.
- Yoink! (15 points): With a pet, steal a Sim's clothes who is skinny dipping.
- Dogzilla vs. Cat-Kong (20 points): Destroy �10,000 worth of objects with a dog or cat.
- Leonardo Reborn (25 points): Complete each of the Leonardo Reborn Sub-Challenges.
- What Ghosts? (15 points): Catch every ghost spawned by the Ghost Invasion karma power before it ends.
- Bad Neighbor (10 points): Target your neighbor with the Ghostify Power, then catch them with a cat or Ghost Zapper.
- Indubitably! (20 points): Complete each of the mystery chapters.
- The Missing Link (10 points): Discover the lost pirate ship anchor.
- Zombie Bears, Oh My! (10 points): Avoid the zombie bears to find the pirate ship's log.
- Doggie Duties (10 points): Deal with the feline in the Dog Days of Summer mystery.
- Search and Rescue (10 points): Explore the Abandoned Mine in search of Timmy.
- A Punishable Offense (10 points): Punish the Sims for their crumb-filled, sub-standard furniture.
- Don't Talk About Socialite Club (10 points): Get the attention of the Socialite Club.
- Great Scott! (10 points): Create a flux combobulator.
- From the Ground Up (10 points): Build your house from the ground up by replacing your property with an empty lot.
- Mansion Builder (25 points): Build a house with 5 stories and an unfurnished value of at least �100,000.
- It's Good to be a Sim (50 points): Complete each of the Sim happiness Challenges.
- Curator's Best Friend (25 points): Complete each of the relic collection Challenges.
- Dancing Fiend (25 points): Complete each of the dancing Challenges.
- Exhibitionist (20 points): Complete each of the exhibitionist Challenges.
- Explorer (10 points): Complete each of the explorer Challenges.
- Don't Fear the Reaper (25 points): Scare the reaper.
- Leet Skillz (25 points): Complete any 10 Skill Journal Milestones.
- No Fate But What We Make (25 points): Send a simbot back in time.
- Overqualified (20 points): Go to work with 4 career performance requirements at Outstanding.
- Sunken Treasure (10 points): Find a special plant while fishing.
- You Da Boss (25 points): Reach level 10 of a career.
- Must Love Pets (35 points): Promise and complete a pet-related Lifetime Wish.
In The Sims 3: Pets for the PC, as in the previous versions, there are cheats that you can enter for various effects.
On the keyboard, hold Ctrl + Shift and hit the C button to bring up the command prompt. From here you type in your cheat and hit Enter.
1,000 Simoleons – kaching
50,000 Simoleons – motherlode
Display Cheats List – help
The Sims 3 Pets Cheats Ps3
Disable Clothing Category Filters – disableclothingfilter

Llama Warning Icons On (default) – enablellamas on
Llama Warning Icons Off – enablellamas off
Movie Maker Mode On – moviemakercheatsenabled true
Movie Maker Mode Off (default) – moviemakercheatsenabled false
Objects Can Be Placed Anywhere in Build or Buy Modes – moveobjects on
Objects Can Only Be Placed in Valid Spots in Build or Buy Modes (default) – moveobjects off
Objects Fade on Close Camera (default) – fadeobjects on
Objects Don’t Fade on Close Camera – fadeobjects off
Testing Cheats On – testingcheatsenabled true
Testing Cheats Off (default) – testingcheatsenabled false
Toggle Frame Rate Display – fps
Toggle Full Screen – fullscreen
Testing Cheats Mode
With testingcheatsenabled set to true (listed above), there several extra cheats you can enter in the command prompt, and a lot of additional actions you can take from the click menus on various objects, sims, and in the interface.
Interface Options:
With testingcheatsenabled set to true (listed above), you can hold the Ctrl key then click and drag any selected Sim’s need bars, relationship bars, etc. Hold Ctrl and click on moodlets to remove them, which can be helpful for removing negative moodlets. You can also hold Ctrl on the Select Family screen to modify the lifetime happiness box.
Extra Cheat Codes:
With testingcheatsenabled set to true (listed above), you can use some extra cheat codes that you wouldn’t normally have access to.
Buy Mode With Debug Objects – buydebug on (buydebug off to turn off)
Make Toddlers That Grows to Children Become NPC’s – ageuptonpc
Record Gameplay Video – recordvideo
Set Total Simoleons for Family – familyfunds “last name” amount
Set Game Speed – speed (options are 0 to 4)
Toggle Map Tags Off – maptags off
Toggle Map Tags On – maptags on
Toggle All Audio Off – playsounds off
Toggle All Audio On – playsounds on
Click Menu Cheats:
With testingcheatsenabled set to true (lisetd above), you can hold the Shift key and click on certain things to gain access to new options that weren’t there before.
Active Sim
- Modify Traits for Active Sim
Any Object
- Delete
Any Sim
- Add to Active Household
- Trigger Age Transition
The Sims 3 Pets Money Cheat
- Build on This Lot
- Buy on This Lot
- Teleport
- Force Visitor
- Force NPC options
- Make All Happy
- Make Friends For Me
- Make Needs Static or Make Needs Dynamic
- Make Me Know Everyone
- Set Career options
The Sims 3 Pets Cheats For Xbox
Non-Household Sim
- Add to Active Household
Work Place
- Force Opportunity
- Force Event”
- Force All Events
Movie Maker Mode
With moviemakercheatsenabled set to true, there are additional actions you can take from the click menus on Sims when you hold Shift and click on them.
Any Sim
- Disable All Lookouts – Disables all Lookouts for all Sims
- Set Looping to On/One-Off – Sets animations to looped or one-off
- Sim Shutdown – Sims only do player initiated actions
Active Sim
- Animation – Plays a selected animation on the Sim
- Edit in CAS – Bring selected Sim into Create-A-Sim mode to edit them