Windows 10 Log In Twice
Apr 24, 2018 Windows 10 has been recently updated by Microsoft with some major bugs that are yet to be resolved. One of the issues that many Windows 10 users are facing after the update is that they have to login 2 times in a row in order to access their computer. I have seen this issue twice now and I have fixed it both times. There is a problem with the NTuser.dat file in the default profile folder after upgrading to windows 10 1703. Make sure to remove the profile folder of the user that is having the login issues. I removed it through system properties in control panel. How to Fix: Login Screen Appears Twice in Windows 10. Click on Start and Search the Settings option. Select “Update & Security” button and click on “Advanced options” Step 3. Under the “Choose how updates are installed section”, find the option that says “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device.
I am using Windows 10 Pro x64 on my personal laptop on which I have a single user account with no password. For some reason however, Windows 10 has started asking me to enter a password whenever I boot up my machine. All I have to do is press the button without entering anything, and I log in, but I would much rather skip this step in favor of an automatic sign-in. Why has this started happening only now? What can I do to stop this behavior?
1 Answer
Here is how to stop the computer from asking for a password every time:

- Right-click the Windows Logo (Start Button) and click 'Run'
- Type
and click 'OK' - Uncheck 'Users must enter a username and password to use this computer.'
Windows 10 Must Log In Twice

Windows 10 Login Twice
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