Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests
Want a buddy in Fallout: New Vegas? Sure you do. In fact, you probably want a couple New Vegas companions.
In Fallout: New Vegas, there's a total of 6 permanent humanoid companions and 2 permanent non-humanoid companions, but you can only have 2 (one of each kind) at a time following you. The 6 companions in New Vegas are Craig Boone, Lily Bowen, Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Cass), Arcade Gannon, Veronica Santangelo and Raul Tejada. To find their locations, watch the videos below.
The two non-human followers are Ed-E and Rex.
Description of each New Vegas companion provide by the Fallout Wiki.
Step 1 Craig Boone
Buildings Edit. Boone's room. Cliff Briscoe's bungalow. Dinky the T-Rex. Dino Bite gift shop. Dino Dee-lite front desk. Dino Dee-lite Motel. Dino Dee-lite motel room. Jeannie May Crawford's house.
Craig Boone, an Ex-NCR sniper with a grudge against Caesar's Legion and a chip on his shoulder. He can be found in Novac.
The NCR, Mr. House, and Caesar's Legion are battling it out for control of New Vegas. Our Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough includes a walkthrough across this branching journey, tips for gaining companions, and strange secrets across the Mojave Wasteland.
The NCR, Mr. House, and Caesar's Legion are battling it out for control of New Vegas. Our Fallout New Vegas Game Guide includes a walkthrough across this branching journey, tips for gaining companions, and strange secrets across the Mojave Wasteland.
- SPECIAL Friends: Learn the power of SPECIAL, how to gain companions, and the basics of combat
- Walkthrough: A walkthrough of the story's main quests, alternate paths, and side quests
- Playstation 3 Trophies: Gain new Trophies for your collection
- Xbox 360 Achievements: Boost your Gamerscore with a huge list of Achievements
About Special
Your SPECIAL helps determine your base skills and the Perks you can gain in the future. You can have a total of 40 among your SPECIAL, lowering each to a minimum of 1, or a maximum of 10. You should pick a SPECIAL that helps reflect you're playing style.
- Strength: Melee weapons, inventory weight
- Perception: Energy weapons, Lockpick, Explosives, compass range
- Endurance: Unarmed, Survival, highpoints, radiation resistance
- Charisma: Speech, Barter
- Intelligence: Medicine, Science, Repair, skill points on level up
- Agility: Guns, Sneak, Action Points
- Luck: Affects all skills slightly, critical hit rate, gambling results
If you want to make a fighter type character, Endurance, Agility, and Strength are key stats to go after. However, a more wits based character will want to focus on Charisma and Intelligence to get the job done.
Throughout your journey you can find allies that are willing to join you in your quests and aid support. Not only can they fight, but can carry items and some time make quests easier. You can have one humanoid (Raul, Arcade, Boone, Veronica, Cass, Lilly) and one non-human (Ed-e, Rex) at a time. If you choose to listen to mister house, you can even get a base of operation in the Lucky 38)
- Arcade Gannon: In the Old mormon Fort in Freeside. Gained from 75 Speech or flirt with him (Confirmed Bachelor perk)
- Craig Boone: At Novac's Dino-Bite Gift Shop. Discover that Jeannie May Crawford sold Boone's wife into slavery by lockpicking the floor safe
- Lily Bowen: In Jacobstown. Start the quest Guess Who I Saw Today
- Raul Tejada: Prisoner in Black Mountain. Free him during the mission Crazy, Crazy, Crazy
- Rose of Sharon Cassidy: At Mojave Outpost's bar. Complete You can Depend on Me and convince her to sell Cassidy Caravan
- Veronica Santangelo: Found at 188 Trading Post. Make sure to have non-evil fame with the Brother hood of Steel or NCR
- Ed-e: A broken robot inside Primm. Repair him with science skill, repair, or gain the needed parts
- Rex: The King's cyber dog in Freeside. Complete G.I.Blues and start Nothin' But a Hound Dog
Ain't That a Kick in the Head
Your life has been saved by Doc Mitchell. You'll need to construct your look and distribute your skills.
Pick your SPECIAL carefully, as adjusting it later will require a lot of caps later. You should concentrate on Endurance and Intelligence, along with what ever main attribute you like (Agility for Guns or lots of VATS use, Strength for melee, etc.).
You'll be given a test to see what Tag skills work best for you. These tagged skills will boost a skill by a free 15 right from the start. However, if you don't like the results you can always pick your own Tags. Finally, pick whatever first level perks work well for your character.
Back in the Saddle
After making your character and recovering a bit, enter the Prospector Saloon and talk to Sunny Smiles. She will train you in the use of a rifle by destroying a few bottles.
You can gain some caps and a little favor with Goodsprings by joining her and Cheyenne in killing a few Geckos.
There are a few camps of Geckos, but none of them are very strong. Simply using VATS will allow you to dish out a great deal of damage. When you're ready, journey out into the Wasteland and find the man who tried to kill you.
They Went That-a-Way
You'll be searching the wasteland for clues about the man who shot you and why. First you'll be brought to Primm, where the NCR and Powder Gangers are fighting one another.
Talk to Johnson Nash inside the Vikki and Vance Casino and he will suggest rescuing Deputy Beagle from inside Bison Steve's Hotel. The Powder Gangers inside the hotel aren't very tough, but the main leader is armed with an Incinerator that is worth stealing. Locate Beagle and he will tell you to travel through Nipton on the way to Novac. If you want, you can stop in and complete My Kind of Town, but isn't needed.
In Nipton, you'll find the Legion and can start off Cold, Cold Heart. Further, you'll gain info that you should continue on and check out Novac.
In Novac you'll need to talk to Manny Vargas. If you lack the skills or perks to get clues right away, you'll need to complete the side quest Come Fly With Me.
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With Manny's info, you'll next want to head to Boulder City, where you can complete the side quest Boulder City Showdown. You'll find Victor once gain and learn that Benny is headed for New Vegas.
You'll eventually that Benny has made his way to The Tops in New Vegas. In order to get inside you'll need 2000 caps, or will have to acquire a passport from someone.
Ralph from Mick and Ralph's will sell you a fake pass if you are able to make a Speech check. You can also get a pass from The King by completing G.I.Blues.
After getting your pass or 2000 caps, enter the Strip. You'll be approached by Mister Holdout, who sells weapons that can be taken into the casinos. Your goal is to enter The Tops and confront Benny.
With a Speech check, you'll be able to talk Swank at the front desk into helping you deal with Benny. You can also directly fight Benny, but he is surrounded by guards. Alternately, you can talk it out with Benny and gain the key to his room. If you do manage to kill Benny now, loot his body for the Platinum Chip. If you enter his room, you will discover Yes Man, a helpful securitron. However, you'll soon learn from Yes Man that Benny has made his escape.
Leave The Tops and you'll be contacted by a number of messengers. Mr House, the NCR ambassador Crocker, and Caesar himself all want a word with you. You should decide now which end game route you wish to pick. However, maybe you'll want to go against them all and side with Yes Man.
My Kind of Town
Along your journeys you'll discover Primm, a town under siege from escaped convicts and powder Gangers. Rescue Deputy Beagle from inside the main town hall. He will ask you to find a new sheriff to help guard the town.
If you have good standing with the NCR or Mojave Outpost in general, travel there and talk to Major Knight about sending re-enforcements to Primm. You can also travel to the NCRCF and recruit Meyers to take the job. Once again travel to Mojave Outpost and ask Knight to pardon Meyers.
Finally, you can talk to Nash about reprogramming Primm Slim with a Science skill of 30 or more. This is a fast and easy means to create a sheriff without having to travel very far.
Come Fly With Me
If you need to find info from Manny, completing this quest may be required. There are a large amount of Ghouls at the REPCONN Test Site.
Enter inside the test site and use the intercom to talk to Chris. He will lead you to Jason Bright who wants you to help the Ghouls start up the rockets. You'll first need to enter the basement and kill off the Nightkins.
The basement is filled with not only normal Nightkin, but a powerful boss named Davison. Killing him off will require a good weapon, armor and a few Stimpacks.
After the Nightkin are dead, return to Jason and learn about parts needed to repair the spaceships. Head north of Novac and buy a thrust control modules from Old Lady Gibson. Return to REPCONN and give them to Chris.
Finally, reach the top of the building and launch off the rockets and abide by Jason's request. Alternately, you can use a Speech check to make Chris take revenge, killing Jason and the remaining Ghouls during the launch.
Black Mountain
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy
A strange broadcast is coming from Black Mountain and you'll need to figure out is going on. Going here will be required if you want to sort out Eyesight for the Blind. There are a large amount of Super Mutants and Nightkin running around here. If your Speech is high enough you can convince them that each side is revolting against each other, giving you the freedom to kill off the remaining faction. If you have good Repair skills, you can fix the Mr. Handy in the storage room and resolve things peacefully.
You can also simply storm the base on your own and kill the forces that stand in your way. The leader, Tabitha, has locked herself in the main broadcasting tower. You can discover her key hidden behind the last flight of stairs. Enter inside and kill her off quickly. Alternately, go to the prison and free Raul by reading the password in the 6th log entry and opening is cell. When you leave the prison, Tabitha and the remaining nightkin will attack right away. With the Nightkin finally finished, the quest will conclude.
Unfriendly Persuasion
Jacobstown is being harassed by the NCR mercenaries. There a number of ways to solve this problem. You can use your fame with the NCR or good Speech to get the NCR to leave.
More evil approaches include killing the NCR outright, or bribing them with the towns funds. For the latter option, talk to Marcus and gain the caps to pay off the NCR.
Guess Who I Saw Today
Talk to Dr. Henry in the lodge and he'll give you info about the insanity troubling the Nightkin. You can also use this to recruit Lily as a companion. Take Lily to the Charleston Cave to the north and fight through the Nightstalkers. You'll eventually reach a fallen Nightkin and a Chewed Stealthboy on his body. Return this device to Dr. Henry and you'll be confronted by Keene. Either talk Keene down, listen to his demands, or kill him. Either way, talk to Henry again and help him decide what to do with this new research.
Wang Dang Atomic Tango
The Garret Twins inside the Atomic Wrangler have various tasks that will help increase your fame and earn some extra caps. James wants you to recruit a few new escorts: a robot, a smooth talker, and a Ghouls cowboy. Beatrix in the Old Mormon Fort fits the bill as a Ghoul cowboy. pass a speech or barter check or give her some Absinthe to join up.
A smooth talker can either be Santiago or Old Ben walking around the strip. For the sex bot, talk to Ralph in Mick and Ralph's for a holotape; otherwise you can do the programming yourself with high Science. Take this holotape to Cerulean Robotics and start up Fisto. With all of the escorts gained, return to James for your reward.
Debt Collector
Francine has another task for you to gain fame in Freeside. You need to collect caps from Grecks, Santiago, and Lady Jane around Freeside.
Each of them can be talked to with Speech checks to gain their caps. You can also threaten, harass or even call their bluff if your skills are good enough.
Last, you'll need to kill Caleb McCaffery out on the Strip. If you have enough Speech, you can simply ask for his hat instead of killing him. With the caps and hat in tow, return to Francine Garret to gain your prize.
The Kings
If you don't have the caps or Speech to make it into The Strip, completing missions for the King is your best bet for continuing along your journey. If you wish to side with the NCR, completing this mission may be necessary.
First pass a Speech check or pay Pacer to meet with the King. He wants you to investigate an escort named Orris at the Freeside entrance. He will also give you 200 caps to buy this service. Give Orris the caps and follow him. You'll soon discover that he has been attacking his clients and will come for you. Kill him off and report to the King about what happened.
Next, you'll learn that some of his friends were hurt and are recovering in the Old Mormon Fort. Later, return to the main street of Freeside and talk to the Missionary. He will quiz you about the NCR, where the answers are Tandy, Shady Sands, and 2-headed bear. It's optional to also talk to Julie, a member of the Followers. However, it's mandatory if you want to stay on the NCR's side.
With the password from the Missionary and Julie's advice, enter the Ruined store and talk to Elizabeth. You'll learn that Pace is behind the continued squabbling between the Kings and NCR. Return to the Kings with your findings and you'll be warned that Pacer has started another shoot out. Return to the NCR hideout and choose a side: either kill off the NCR or talk to Elizabeth directly. Either way, return to the King to gain free access to the Strip.
Nothin' But a Hound Dog
After completing G.I.blues, The King will give you Rex has a companion. Rex's brain is damaged and Julie in the Old Mormon Fort has some clues.
Take Rex to Jacobstown and talk to Dr. Henry. He will suggest getting a replacement brain for Rex from some other dog. You have three options: The Legion, the Fiends, or Novac. In Novac, you can buy a brain form Old Lady Gibson. This brain will improve Rex's attack and is the safest route.
If you have good standing with the Legion and bring Rex to The Fort, you can fight and kill Lupa in a one-on-one arena battle. Afterwards, simply take her brain as a prize and use it to increase Rex's hitpoints. Last, you can scout out the Friend's territory and kill off the big dog Violetta, who will give Rex more speed. Either way, take the brain back to Dr. Henry and complete the quest.
The Strip
There are a number of factions on The Strip who can be powerful allies to the major factions. These include the White Glove Society, Omertas, and even some of the Followers of the Apocalypse. Because many of the casinos don't allow weapons, you'll want to consider buying holdout weapons to smuggle in.
Beyond the Beef
Beyond the Beef is a quest in the Ultra-Luxe that revolves around the White Glove Society's interest in cannibalism. It is a required quest for the Legion. Depending on your karma and fame, you may find yourself freeing the victims or having them for dinner. Talk to either Heck Gunderson or Mortimer to start the adventure.
Heck's version of quest involves finding his lost son. Start by talking to Marjorie about a missing investigator. Then talk to Mortimer and go to the investigator's room. You'll be attacked by some guards, so be on the ready. Steal their clothes and sneak into the basement level. If you have some fame in the Strip, Marjorie will give you the keys and make you a member of the Society, otherwise you may have to rob her or pick the lock. Fight or sneak down and bring back Ted to his father.
Mortimer's evil version involves being a cannibal yourself or having enough speech. In this path, you are to instead kill off Heck and Ted, or even supply a new meal. Either free Ted and convince him that it was a misunderstanding; with this route you may have to sacrifice your companion to suit the Society's cravings. Alternately, kill Ted and smear his blood all over Heck's room. Alert the securitrons outside of Heck's 'crime' and they will blast him to pieces. Either way return to Mortimer and Marjorie to return them to their old ways of eating people.
How Little We Know
The Omertas are another powerful gang inside New Vegas. Both the NCR and House are interested in what they have planned. If neither have given you orders to investigate the Omertas, Yes Man will also provide details to start the quest. Alternately, you may find yourself just killing the whole lot of them.
Start by talking to the receptionist in the Gomorrah and learn that you should find dirt on Cachino. Talk to this Omerta and you'll resort to finding harder evidence. Talk to the receptionist again and you'll gain Cachino's room key. Explore the room and you'll find his journal in the desk. Take this journal to the guards in the Zoara club to rat out Cachino to his boss. Big Sal will murder Cachino and put you in charge of the remaining tasks.
You'll need to complete two tasks for patrons in the Gomorrah: Clanden and Troike. Clanden wants chlorine, which can be stolen from the Ultra-Luxe with 50 Lockpick, or you can use Science to solve his problem.
For Troike, the Fiends have stolen a shipment of his guns. They are located to the west outside New Vegas as marked with your quest markers. There are only a handful of Fiends guarding the shipment, so recovering the stolen goods should be no problem. Return to the goods to both Clanden and Troike. Report to Big Sal for the completion of the quest, some caps, and even Gomorrah playing chips.
The Moon Comes Over the Tower
The Followers of the Apocalypse are interested in learning the secrets of Mr. House's systems. Emily Ortal will meet you outside and ask you to bug the systems in the Lucky 38. Enter the Lucky 38's casino level bar and upload the virus to the lone terminal. Return to Emily outside and she'll be able to gain some data. If you have enough Speech, you can also learn extra details about Benny and Yes Man.
The Boomers are a faction that you'll need to deal with regardless of whom you decide to ally with. There control over large scale bombs and missiles are an important resource to any of the major powers. Or you can simply destroy them and eliminate the Boomer's power from the playing field. Pearl and Loyal are the leaders of the Boomer's and killing them will cause the power structure to collapse.
First is a matter of even getting to the air force base. The guards will be firing missiles as you approach, so you'll need to run quickly and take cover to keep from being blasted to pieces. If you're going for a hostile result, you can lockpick the front gate and kill all of the members inside. Otherwise, agree to meet with Pearl and complete a few tasks to gain fame with the Boomers.
Part of Volare includes completing the other related quests Ant Misbehavin' and Young Hearts. If you also have a high amount of skill in Medicine, you can also gain fame by healing injured Boomers inside the infirmary. You can also give gifts to various Boomers, including Scrap Metal to Jack, missiles to Raquel, and toy rockets to the children.
With enough fame, Pearl will inform you that Loyal has one last task: recover a sunken bomber from Lake Mead. You can optionally gain a rebreather to easily swim underwater. You'll need to gather a Pressure Cooker or have high Science and talk to Jack. However, it's not at all required.
Head to Lake Mead and be ready to fight the Lurks swimming around. Dive down to the plane and attach the Ballasts to the bottom of each wing. Return to the surface and arm yourself with the detonator Loyal gave you. After raising the bomber, return to Pearl to gain the Boomers allegiance.
Ant Misbehavin'
Racquel wants you to destroy a number of ants that have gathered around the base. Loyal has a device that may be able to help in your efforts, though he hasn't really tested it. It will still come in handy.
Enter the building and kill off any ants that are running around. Find the quest marker and locate the main ant nest. Attach the device from Loyal to destroy the ants for good.
Now you'll need to start up the generator. There are two switches on the east wall to start up some power. The final switch is up the stairs to the main level. After turning on the power, return to Racquel to end your task.
Young Hearts
Jack has his own mission for you. He seems to have a crush on Janet from Crimson Caravan.
First travel to Crimson Caravan and talk to Janet to see if she feels the same way. You can give her a few answers, including discussing allowing her to enter Nellis. If you really want to be evil you can also tell her to go there right way, which will in turn kill her.
After talking to Janet, return to Pearl and talk to her about letting Janet come. Next, talk to Jack and you'll gain a spare Boomer outfit. Give the outfit to Janet and she'll be almost ready to go. Finally, talk to Alice McLafferty about letting Janet go. After everything is settled talked to Jack and Janet at Nellis to complete the mission.
Brotherhood of Steel
Still in the Dark
The Brotherhood of Steel can be found in Hidden Valley. If you have decent standing, or have recruited Veronica as your companion, you'll be able to do several quests for them. In fact, with Veronica by your side, you'll be able to by pass the most deadly of the missions and obtain the rewards right away.
However, if you're working for Caesar or Mr. House, you will have no choice to kill the Brotherhood in the end. You will need to blow up their base, either from a high science skill or from stealing the keycards from Taggart, McNamara, and Hardin. Take these keys and activate the self destruct.
If you truly want to help the Brotherhood, you'll find that Hardin will want to overthrow McNamara. First find Scribe Ibsen and help him solve a virus problem in the terminal library. Next, talk to Paladin Ramos about the Chain That Binds. If Hardin learns that the Elder has been given orders to the Paladins, the Chain That Binds will be enough to overthrow the power structure. Keep in mind however, that Hardin will refuse to side with NCR.
To side with McNamara, search for the missing paladins on your quest markers. These include locations such as REPCONN, the Boomer's field outside Nellis, and just north at Black Mountain. Afterwards, search for the scouts keeping watch on NCR and the Legion across the wasteland.
With the news of the NCR not being as powerful as once believed, the Elder will soften his stance against them and his policies in general. The last task he has for you is to gather up parts for the Air Filtration system. They can be found in Vault 22, Vault 3, and Vault 11. You can kill two birds with one stone by gathering one of the parts during There Stands the Grass. Keep in mind that Vault 3 is deep in Fiend territory, meaning you'll need to either be ready to fight or have a good enough speech to be on their side.
Eyesight to the Blind

If you managed to complete Still in the Dark without upsetting the balance of power, the Brotherhood will ask you to install a transponder at Black Mountain. If you haven't finished Crazy, Crazy, Crazy you will have to do so now, only after killing/befriending Tabitha, attach the Remote signal to her terminal. Return to McNamara and he will teach you how to use Brotherhood Power Armor. Also, if you are doing For the Republic you will now be able to have the Brotherhood of Steel and NCR join forces.

Great Kahns
Boulder City Showdown
As you come to Boulder City, you'll find that the NCR and Great Kahns are in a stand off. You have two options: Diffuse the fight between the two by bribing the NCR and letting the Kahns go free.
The other method is to simply kill the Kahns, though this will lower your fame with them. If you have the caps to spare, it's a good idea to use them. If you're doing this as part of They Went That-a-Way, you'll get word of where Benny is headed.
Oh My Papa
From the on set, the Great Kahns are on the side of the Legion. If you want to change their alignment to something else, Oh My Papa is the perfect quest.
From the start, Papa will only listen to Karl--an ambassador from the Legion. You need to make Karl loose his cool in front of Papa in the Longhouse. Your best options are to pass a Speech check against Karl, or drag in Legion assassins when they decide to strike.
Even with Karl dealt with, you'll need to convince the other Kahns that they should side with you. most can be persuaded with speech checks, but you might also want to complete side quests such as Aba Daba Honeymoon. Also, entering Caesar's tent and discovering slavery plans will reveal what's really in store for the Kahns. Last, the Great Kahn Melissa is stationed in a Deathclaw quarry. You may want to grab a stealth boy or level some more before locating her.
Aba Daba Honeymoon
If you are unable to convince the Kahns from Speech during Oh My Papa, there are alternate means to get them on your side. Aba Daba Honeymoon is one of the means to convince Jack and Diane to come to your side. Several Kahns are being crucified at Cottonwood Cove. Find Anders being tied up there and return him to the rest of the Kahns. With your help, Diane will have some more tasks, including delivering goods to Crimson Caravan.
Can You Find it in Your Heart?
You'll need to collect fame with the NCR to solve some quests around the wasteland, including Primm. The Mojave Outpost is a great spot to start out.
Talk to Ranger Jackson in the main buildings and you'll learn that the caravans are having troubles moving across the road. Head to the road to the north and destroy all of the giant ants crawling around the road. Return to Jackson and gain your rewards, along with some fame.
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Ranger Ghost has another assignment that can help your standings with the NCR. She wants you to explore Nipton and find out the situation. If you have yet to start Cold, Cold Heart you'll meet up with a Powder Ganger and the Legion to learn of that mission.
Enter Nipton's town hall and investigate what happened here. There are some enemies, but all are push overs to a few VATS attacks. Afterwards, return to Ghost and gain a little more fame with the NCR.
You Can Depend on Me
You can find work in Crimson Caravan by talking with Alice McLafferty. She has a few assignments that will help raise your fame with the NCR. First, go to Camp McCarren and speak with Dr. Hildern in his lab. While you're there, you may want to start up There Stands the Grass. Return to McLafferty afterwards to learn about your next task.
Head to the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside and speak to Henry Jamison. You'll need to inform him that he needs to quit his job. With high enough fame or a good Speech score you will be able to score nearly 200 extra caps from speaking to him right. Next head to Mojave Outpost and talk to Cass. She will agree to give up her Caravan if you have high Speech or you can complete the other quests around the outpost. You can also now gain her as a companion.
The final task is optional and you can simply tell Alice that you are not interested. However, if you have good Lockpicking and Stealth it might be a good idea to check out the Gun Runner's shop outside New Vegas. Pick the front entrance and mine the data from the back of the building. Either way, return to Alice to complete the quest.
Pressing Matters
After completing You Can Depend on Me, Alice will tell you about a new quest. The Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters is still in operation and she wants you to shut it down.
Follow your quest marker to the area and get ready to fight a few guard robots. Enter the plant's garage and disable the cap press to finish up the mission.
There Stands the Grass
Dr. Hildern will want you to check on Vault 22 for any strange activities and gather the lost research data. His partner, Dr. Williams will over hear this and ask you to find a person named Kelly who went missing in the vault. Head to Vault 22 and you'll find that it is over run with plants and bug type enemies. Be ready with a good combat skill and some way of repairing.
Move down to the Common Area floor and enter the Overseer's Office. Use the terminal on the desk to unlock the Crew Quarters. Enter the quarters below and you'll find a key card in the first room on the left. With the key in hand, or simply a high level of Lockpick, head to Pest Control on the upper floor and enter the large door to the east. Explore this cavern and the quest markers will point you to the data chamber.
If you also want to find Keely, she is deeper in Pest Control area. She wants to completely destroy the vault and wipe out the plant infestation. After talking to her on the first floor, return to Pest Control. Enter the data room from before and arm yourself with a flamer or grenade. Ignite the gas outside and quickly shut the door to prevent being burned alive. With the pests destroyed, return back to Keely. She doesn't want you to bring the research back, so you have a few options: destroy it, convince her to keep the data from Speech or Science, or outright kill her. Whatever your results, return to Hildern and Williams.
That Lucky Old sun
Enter Helios One with either a good amount of NCR fame or pass a Speech check. Head into the building and follow the quest marker to find Fantastic, who wants you to start up the energy again. He will give you one of the pass codes to operate one of the terminals needed. Else where in the lab is Ignacio Rivas, who will give you the second code and inform you that he is with the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Head out of the lab and into the mirror field. The two control panels are guarded by mines and attack dogs. If you trigger some of these traps, you may find yourself loosing NCR fame. If push comes to shove, resort to Stealth Boys or running away after starting up the machines. Afterwards, enter the tower and make your way to the mainframe.
The area is crawling with turrets and protectrons, so be ready to fight your way through. Be sure to grab the Scrap Metal from their broken remains. You'll find that the mainframe is in need of repairs. With the Scrap Metal and good Repair you can fix it yourself. Alternately, you can use your Science skill to repair the Python on the upper level. With the mainframe fixed, choose to power it for the NCR, Followers, or use it to kill everyone in the area. Head to the top of the tower and wait for daylight (9 AM-3PM) and witness the final results.
For the Republic
After completing Ring-a-Ding-Ding You'll get word that Ambassador Crocker wants to speak to you at the end of The Strip. This is an end game route that will sour your relations with the Legion and Mr. House. Crocker will want you to complete Volare and G.I.Blues in ways that will bring peace and allies. However, if you want you can simply kill off the Boomers and Kings.
By talking to the Followers and then the NCR, you'll learn that Pacer is setting up the Kings. Talk to the King directly and you'll gain their support without bloodshed. After doing a few good deeds for Crocker, he will want to you to head to Hoover Dam and talk to Colonel Moore.
Moore wants you to complete Oh My Papa, How Little We Know, and Still in the Dark or simply kill off the associate three groups (Great Kahns, Omertas, Brotherhood of Steel). Afterwards, you'll need to kill Mr. House by entering the Lucky 38 just, as in the Legion and Wild Card Routes. Run past the guards and bust open the medical pod, killing Mr. House in the process.
You'll Know It When It Happens
With most of the NCR's enemies taken care of, President Kimball has decided to make an appearance at Hoover Dam. Talk to Ranger Grant and you'll find out that there are several methods that the Legion are using to try and take down Kimball. The main one is a sniper on the far tower. Either wait on there or move up to the top when you see an NCR fall to his death from there. At the top of the tower kill the disguised Legionnaire.
Find Grant or use the radio to call him up. He will call off Kimball's speech and the President will rush to his escape vehicle. A second Legion thug will arrive from the crowd with a melee weapon. Kill him or let the rangers take him out before he is able to kill the President. Talk to Grant one last time to finish things here.
Talk to Colonel Moore again and she will inform you that General Lee is here to set up a final attack again the Legion. You can greatly cripple the Legion's pursuit by finding the Overflow Controls and washing some of their forces out the Dam.
A good method is to steal some of the Legionnaire armor and disguise as your enemy, which will in turn prevent you from taking extra damage. Further, there is a second valve at the top of the Dam that will prevent more legion forces from making their way to the power plant.
You'll be supported by Veteran NCR Rangers, who will make the last stretch of your journey a breeze. With good enough Speech (80+), you can rally them to all charge, rather than have some sit back and defend.
March up to the Legate's camp and find the final commander, Lanius. If you have 100 Speech you can talk him down, otherwise it's a brutal fight. The Legate uses a strong sword and has the support of several allies. If you don't have a strong weapon already, grab the Ballistic Fists from the fallen Legionnaires. Either way, Lanius won't be able to withstand much damage. Return to General Lee to view the NCR ending.
Mr House
The House Always Wins
You'll learn from Victor that Mr. House has need of your assistances to take control of the region. Siding with him will seal your fate as an enemy of both the NCR and Caesar's Legion.
He'll also supply you with a presidential suite, where you can have your companions wait in one location, rather than having them return to their separate locations. Your first goal is to power up the securitron army hidden in The Fort. You'll need decent standings with the Legion to enter the base without harm.
You may find yourself completing part of Render Unto Caesar to keep safe during this mission. Enter Caesar's tent and lie to him by agreeing to destroy House's army. He'll supply you with the Platinum Chip and allow you to enter his bunker. After duping the Legion, go to the bunker and use the chip to power up House's army. You don't need to return to Caesar, just go back to the Lucky 38 after 'destroying' the robots. You can freely leave The Fort once the job is done.
Return to the Lucky 38 and House will show you the new improvements with the securitron army. This new armaments will appear on all securitrons, even if you happen to cross Mr. House later. You'll be asked to complete a few side quests, including Volare from the Boomers and How Little We Know from the Omertas. You can also fail these quests, though Mr. House will be angry. You'll also need to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel, even if you did already befriend them from Still in the Dark.
In the unlikely event that you still have fame with the NCR, you may have the option of completing You'll Know When it Happens. However, in most cases siding with House will make you Shunned or worse with the NCR. For your last final step, follow your quest marker to the El Dorado Substation and install the override program. Return the Lucky 38 to start the last leg of Mr. House's route.
All or Nothing
You'll arrive at the battle for Hoover Dam as the NCR and Legion fight against each other. Let them attack each other and clean up the last few survivors. Follow your quest markers into the Dam and you'll discover control room guarded by heavy armored Rangers. Break through the door and upload House's data unto the NCR network. If you were still able to walk by the NCR, they will now be completely hostile.
Move to the top of the Hoover Dam and make your way to Legate's camp. You'll need to either have 100 Speech and convince the Legate to give up, or attack him in a fight. He does tons of damage with his close range sword. He's also assisted by powerful Legionnaires with Ballistic Fists. The best option is to steal one of these fists for yourself and pound Legate Lanius with ease.
When you attempt to leave, you'll be confronted by General Lee and his Veteran Rangers. Once again you can choose to talk him out of a fight, but likely you'll have to fight.
The Rangers are very strong and durable, but you'll be supported by Mr. House and his upgraded securitrons. Quickly use VATS and use the cover of the tents to keep safe. Finally, go to House's own securitron to end the game.
Cold, Cold Heart
If you stop in Nipton you'll come across Vulpes and the Legion. He'll want you to spread the word of the legion's terror in the west.
Travel to Mojave Outpost and talk to Sgt. Kilborn to end the quest. This will boost your fame with the Legion
Render Unto Caesar
After dealing with The Tops, Vulpes will appear and inform you that Caesar is interested in meeting you as well. Undergoing this endgame option will lower your ties with both the NCR and Mr. House, so decide carefully who you want to support. Travel to Cottonwood Cove and you'll be able to catch a boat ride to The Fort. Here, you'll be asked to remove your weapons. If your Speech is high enough, you can still take your concealed weapons. Travel up to Caesar's tent and he'll inform you of what he wants. If you let Benny live, he'll be captured and in the tent with the Legion. Caesar has the Platinum Chip and wants you to use it in order to destroy House's army of robots.
Enter the bunker behind the tent and you'll be give back your weapons, along with the chip. If you have good standing with Mr. House, you'll be able to enter and move around safely at first. However, with bad standings you may have to fight enemies that are even stronger and are in greater waves. Find the three markers on your map and destroy the generators by shooting them. The amount of radiation and guards will increase as you destroy more of the base. Quickly escape and return to the surface. Alternately, you can comply with House and instead power the robot army. Caesar will assume from the amount of noise that the robots are destroyed and will inform you of his next mission.
If Benny is still alive, Caesar will allow you to deal with him. You can choose to kill him in one final duel, nail him to a cross, or even attempt to set him free. If you kill him, you can take a fairly good pistol from his body, named Maria. Afterwards, Caesar will want you to kill off Mr. House.
Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests List
As with the NCR route, Mr. House can be found by entering the Lucky 38 penthouse and breaking through two doors on the left. Open House's chamber and kill or disable him from the system. Upon returning to Caesar, you can check up on his medical condition and find you next task. He'll ask you complete Volare, or simply kill off the Boomer leaders Pearl and Loyal. After completing that sidequest, he'll ask about a certain The Strip quest solution.
You'll want to enter the Ultra-Luxe and complete the White Glove Society quest Beyond the Beef. To gain their favor, select the cannibal solution from either knowing their secret beforehand, have high speech, or be a cannibal yourself. Choosing the alternate path will not make them your allies. Last of all, Caesar will want you to kill the Brotherhood of Steel in Hidden Valley, regardless of what you did during Still in the Dark.
Et Tumor, Brute?
When you return to Caesar, you'll find that his health has gotten worse. You'll need to have good speech or medicine to attempt to save his life. Gather up the necessary medical supplies by traveling to the quest markers or visiting hospitals outside New Vegas.
Doctor Usanagi in the Medical Clinic is a good means for buying what you need. Once ready attempt to perform the surgery on Caesar. You even have the option of killing him and making it look like natural causes. His subordinates may become mad over his death, but they can be talked down with good enough Speech. You can also explore Vault 34 and find the Auto-Doc passed the flooded clinic and through a security door. Using this Auto Doc, you can heal Caesar even if you lack the Medicine skill.
Arizona Killer
The NCR President is headed for Hoover Dam and it's your job to take him down. Meet up with your contact, Cato, and he will supply you with a disguise to make things easier.
Assassinating President Kimball will quickly lower NCR morale and make the upcoming battles easier. Before starting, you may want to level your Repair, Explosives, or Science to 50. Otherwise, come armed with a strong sniper rifle and plenty of ammo. There are many options to take down the President: With Repair or Science you can use the Anti-Air guns to take him out. With high Explosives, talk to your Legion pals to gain explosives and destroy the Vertibird. However, with none of these skills, head to the tower and take out a rifle. A good head shot or two should be enough to kill off Kimball. Afterwards, kill the guards or run back to the Legion camp.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
After talking to Lucius you'll be sent to Legate Lanius' camp to strike against the NCR. You'll be storming Hoover Dam with a large squad of Legionnaires by your side.
Make contact with Docanus in the Dam's towers and you'll be able to recruit more soldiers to storm the various regions of the NCR base.
There are plenty of NCR around that have strong armor, including stolen power armor from the Brotherhood. You should be well armed and armored to take on so many powerful enemies.
Finally, follow the quest markers through the basement and make your way across the dam. If you have stolen NCR armor, disguise as them so you can easily walk by. At the end of the line you'll come across General Lee and his veteran Rangers. You can talk him out of a fight with good Speech, or fight him directly. You won't have much support during the fight, so battling all of the rangers at once can be tricky. Try to use the terrain for cover and activate VATS quickly. After killing off the enemy or letting them go, return to Lanius to end the game.
Wild Card
Side Bets
Fallout New Vegas Novac Quests Walkthrough
Wild Card is the end game option of not siding with the main three factions and instead making New Vegas independent. It's always an option if you have bad standings with the other factions. Even if you 'kill' Yes Man, he will regenerate in a new securitron.
Meet up with Yes Man outside The Tops and ask him about the minor factions to talk to. You'll need to at least meet up with the Boomers, White Glove Society, Omertas, Great Kahns, and Brotherhood of Steel. After locating these faction bases you have the choice of ignoring them, wiping them out by force, or completing their quests. Volare, Beyond the Beef, How Little We Know, Oh My Papa, and Still in the Dark are the quests you'll need complete if you want these factions on your side.
Change in Management
Your goal is to deal with the securitron army. You'll need to gain the Platinum Chip and head to The Fort. If your standings with the Legion are good, you'll be free to roam around the area to your destination and be given the Chip as you enter the camp's bunker. If you have bad standings with the Legion, get ready to fight your way through the entire area. You'll need to enter Caesar's tent and kill him to gather up the Chip. This is not an easy task as both he and his guards are very powerful. If you can, try to complete this during Rend Unto Caesar.
Your main goal is to move through the bunker and upgrade the securitron army with the platinum chip. Alternatively, you can destroy the army by shooting at the three charges around the area. Either way, return to Yes Man and you'll find that you need to disable or kill Mr. House.
Enter the Lucky 38 and ride the elevator up to the penthouse. If you're good with Mr. House you'll be safe for the most part, otherwise you may have to deal with his guards. Either way, head to the console near Mr. House's screen and open the hidden door. Even if you were on House's side, opening this door will turn all of his securitrons. Either destroy them or rush to your next objective. Move through the door and on the left will be a second console. Use this to move into the basement where Mr. House awaits. Use the console to kill him or disconnect him from the system. You can also simply kill him with your weapons. Afterwards, return to Yes Man to learn what to do next.
No Gods, No Masters
With Mr. House dead and the Platinum Chip gained, Yes Man is ready to hook up to the network. After informing him of your progress, head to the penthouse in the Lucky 38 and watch as he enters the system. If you have good standings with the NCR you'll also have the option of completing You'll Know It When It Happens, which will boost the NCR's morale. However, ignoring or failing this mission will help the Legion. Since you're a third party in this fight, it's up to you if you want to take part in the side mission.
Either way, you'll enter the battle for Hoover Dam, either with aid from the securitrons or on your own. The NCR and Legion will be busy fighting each other. You can either sneak by them, take them all down or dress as one side and fight the other. Your goal is to follow the quest marker and enter the Legion base. If you're dressed as a member of the Legion, you can just walk to your goal, otherwise stop and kill the enemies. At the top of the hill is Legate Lanius, the Legion general.
If your Speech score is high enough, you can convince Lanius to retreat or at least fight you one on one. If you can't talk him out of fighting, he will attack with at least two guards. Each have powerful attacks, able to deal 50 or more damage a hit. Gear up with your strongest armor and armor piercing weapons. Stealing the Ballistic Fists from other fallen Legionnaires will quickly allow you to deal high damage.
After dealing with the Legion, move towards the camp entrance and you'll be stormed by General Lee and several NCR Rangers. Once again, with a maxed Speech you can talk them down. If you choose to fight, you'll be supported by the securitrons and Yes Man. The Rangers are strong, but with stolen gear from Lanius and your helpers, you'll make short work of the NCR. With the area clear, talk to Yes Man to end the game.
PlayStation 3 Trophies
Trophy Name | How To Earn | Reward |
New Kid | Reach 10th level. | Bronze |
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal | Recruit any companion. | Bronze |
Crafty | Craft 20 items. | Bronze |
Mod Machine | Install 20 weapon mods. | Bronze |
Walker of the Mojave | Discover 50 locations. | Bronze |
You Run Barter Town | Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods. | Bronze |
Blast Mastery | Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons. | Bronze |
Love the Bomb | Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives. | Bronze |
Lead Dealer | Cause 10,000 damage with Guns. | Bronze |
No Tumbler Fumbler | Pick 25 locks. | Bronze |
Stim-ply Amazing | Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks. | Bronze |
New Vegas Samurai | Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons. | Bronze |
Jury Rigger | Repair 30 items. | Bronze |
Hack the Mojave | Hack 25 terminals. | Bronze |
Artful Pocketer | Pick 50 pockets. | Bronze |
Outstanding Orator | Make 50 Speech challenges. | Bronze |
Deser Survivalist | Heal 10,000 points of damage with food. | Bronze |
Old-Tyme Brawler | Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons. | Bronze |
Know When to Fold Them | Win 3 games of Caravan. | Bronze |
One Armed Bandit | Play 10 spins of Slots. | Bronze |
Little Wheel | Play 10 spins of Roulette. | Bronze |
Double Down | Play 10 hands of Blackjack. | Bronze |
Ain't That a Kick in the Head | Completed Ain't That a Kick in the Head. | Bronze |
All or Nothing | Completed All or Nothing. | Bronze |
Veni, Vidi, Vici | Completed Veni, Vidi, Vici. | Bronze |
Eureka! | Completed Eureka! | Bronze |
No Gods, No Masters | Completed No Gods, No Masters. | Bronze |
Come Fly With Me | Completed Come Fly With Me. | Bronze |
Talent Pool | Completed Talent Pool. | Bronze |
Return to Sender | Completed Return to Sender. | Bronze |
Arizona Killer | Completed Arizona Killer. | Bronze |
You'll Know It When It Happens | Completed You'll Know It When It Happens. | Bronze |
G.I. Blues | Completed G.I. Blues. | Bronze |
That Lucky Old Sun | Completed That Lucky Old Sun. | Bronze |
Volare! | Completed Volare! | Bronze |
The Legend of the Star. | Completed The Legend of the Star. | Bronze |
Up and Comer | Reach 20th level. | Silver |
The Boss | Reach 30th level. | Silver |
The Whole Gang's here | Recruit all companions. | Silver |
Master of the Mojave | Discover 125 locations. | Silver |
Globe Trotter | Discover all snow globes. | Silver |
Caravan Master | Win 30 games of Caravan. | Silver |
The Courier Who Broke the Bank | Get banned from all the Strip's casinos. | Silver |
They Went That-a Way | Completed They Went That-a Way. | Silver |
Ring-a-Ding-Ding | Completed Ring-a-Ding-Ding. | Silver |
The House Always Wins | Completed The House Always Wins. | Silver |
For the Republic | Completed For the Republic. | Silver |
Render Unto Caeser | Completed Render Unto Caeser. | Silver |
Wild Card | Completed Wild Card. | Silver |
Hardcore | Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode. | Gold |
Platinum Trophy | Collect all other 50 Trophies | Platinum |
Xbox 360 Achievements
Achievement Name | How To Earn | Reward |
New Kid | Reach 10th level. | 10 |
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal | Recruit any companion. | 10 |
Crafty | Craft 20 items. | 15 |
Mod Machine | Install 20 weapon mods. | 15 |
Walker of the Mojave | Discover 50 locations. | 10 |
You Run Barter Town | Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods. | 15 |
Blast Mastery | Cause 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons. | 15 |
Love the Bomb | Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives. | 15 |
Lead Dealer | Cause 10,000 damage with Guns. | 15 |
No Tumbler Fumbler | Pick 25 locks. | 15 |
Stim-ply Amazing | Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks. | 15 |
New Vegas Samurai | Cause 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons. | 15 |
Jury Rigger | Repair 30 items. | 15 |
Hack the Mojave | Hack 25 terminals. | 15 |
Artful Pocketer | Pick 50 pockets. | 15 |
Outstanding Orator | Make 50 Speech challenges. | 15 |
Deser Survivalist | Heal 10,000 points of damage with food. | 15 |
Old-Tyme Brawler | Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons. | 15 |
Know When to Fold Them | Win 3 games of Caravan. | 10 |
One Armed Bandit | Play 10 spins of Slots. | 10 |
Little Wheel | Play 10 spins of Roulette. | 10 |
Double Down | Play 10 hands of Blackjack. | 10 |
Ain't That a Kick in the Head | Completed Ain't That a Kick in the Head. | 10 |
All or Nothing | Completed All or Nothing. | 15 |
Veni, Vidi, Vici | Completed Veni, Vidi, Vici. | 15 |
Eureka! | Completed Eureka! | 15 |
No Gods, No Masters | Completed No Gods, No Masters. | 15 |
Come Fly With Me | Completed Come Fly With Me. | 20 |
Talent Pool | Completed Talent Pool. | 20 |
Return to Sender | Completed Return to Sender. | 20 |
Arizona Killer | Completed Arizona Killer. | 20 |
You'll Know It When It Happens | Completed You'll Know It When It Happens. | 20 |
G.I. Blues | Completed G.I. Blues. | 20 |
That Lucky Old Sun | Completed That Lucky Old Sun. | 20 |
Volare! | Completed Volare! | 20 |
The Legend of the Star. | Completed The Legend of the Star. | 20 |
Up and Comer | Reach 20th level. | 20 |
The Boss | Reach 30th level. | 30 |
The Whole Gang's here | Recruit all companions. | 25 |
Master of the Mojave | Discover 125 locations. | 25 |
Globe Trotter | Discover all snow globes. | 25 |
Caravan Master | Win 30 games of Caravan. | 30 |
The Courier Who Broke the Bank | Get banned from all the Strip's casinos. | 30 |
They Went That-a Way | Completed They Went That-a Way. | 25 |
Ring-a-Ding-Ding | Completed Ring-a-Ding-Ding. | 25 |
The House Always Wins | Completed The House Always Wins. | 30 |
For the Republic | Completed For the Republic. | 30 |
Render Unto Caeser | Completed Render Unto Caeser. | 30 |
Wild Card | Completed Wild Card. | 30 |
Hardcore | Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode. | 100 |
- Filed under:
- Fallout: New Vegas
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